Ansible DS Backup Role


This role allows to backup 389 DS instance, to copy a backup from the server to the controller, to copy all backups from the server to the controller, to remove a backup from the server, to remove all backups from the server, to restore a 389 DS server locally and from the controller and also to copy a backup from the controller to the server.

Note: The ansible playbooks and role require a configured ansible environment where the ansible nodes are reachable and are properly set up to have an IP address and a working package manager.


Supported 389 DS Versions

389 DS versions 2.1 and up are supported by the backup role.

Supported Distributions





Example playbook to create a backup on the 389 DS server locally:

- name: Playbook to backup 389 DS server
  hosts: dsinst
  become: true

  - role: ds389_backup
    state: present

Example playbook to create a backup of the 389 DS server that is transferred to the controller using the server name as prefix for the backup and removed on the server:

- name: Playbook to backup 389 DS server to controller
  hosts: dsinst
  become: true

    ds389_backup_to_controller: yes
    # ds389_backup_keep_on_server: yes

  - role: ds389_backup
    state: present

Example playbook to create a backup of the 389 DS server that is transferred to the controller using the server name as prefix for the backup and kept on the server:

- name: Playbook to backup 389 DS server to controller
  hosts: dsinst
  become: true

    ds389_backup_to_controller: yes
    ds389_backup_keep_on_server: yes

  - role: ds389_backup
    state: present

Copy backup ds-full-2020-10-01-10-00-00 from server to controller:

- name: Playbook to copy backup from 389 DS server
  hosts: dsinst
  become: true

    ds389_backup_name: dsinst-2020-10-01-10-00-00
    ds389_backup_to_controller: yes

  - role: ds389_backup
    state: copied

Copy backups ds-full-2020-10-01-10-00-00 and ds-full-2020-10-02-10-00-00 from server to controller:

- name: Playbook to copy backup from 389 DS server
  hosts: dsinst
  become: true

    - ds-full-2020-10-01-10-00-00
    - ds-full-2020-10-02-10-00-00
    ds389_backup_to_controller: yes

  - role: ds389_backup
    state: copied

Copy all backups from server to controller that are following the backup naming scheme:

- name: Playbook to copy all backups from 389 DS server
  hosts: dsinst
  become: true

    ds389_backup_name: all
    ds389_backup_to_controller: yes

  - role: ds389_backup
    state: copied

Remove backup ds-full-2020-10-01-10-00-00 from server:

- name: Playbook to remove backup from 389 DS server
  hosts: dsinst
  become: true

    ds389_backup_name: ds-full-2020-10-01-10-00-00

  - role: ds389_backup
    state: absent

Remove backups ds-full-2020-10-01-10-00-00 and ds-full-2020-10-02-10-00-00 from server:

- name: Playbook to remove backup from 389 DS server
  hosts: dsinst
  become: true

    - ds-full-2020-10-01-10-00-00
    - ds-full-2020-10-02-10-00-00

  - role: ds389_backup
    state: absent

Remove all backups from server that are following the backup naming scheme:

- name: Playbook to remove all backups from 389 DS server
  hosts: dsinst
  become: true

    ds389_backup_name: all

  - role: ds389_backup
    state: absent

Example playbook to restore an 389 DS server locally:

- name: Playbook to restore an 389 DS server
  hosts: dsinst
  become: true

    ds389_backup_name: ds-full-2020-10-22-11-11-44

  - role: ds389_backup
    state: restored

Example playbook to restore 389 DS server from controller:

- name: Playbook to restore 389 DS server from controller
  hosts: dsinst
  become: true

    ds389_backup_name: dsinst.test.local_ds-full-2020-10-22-11-11-44
    ds389_backup_from_controller: yes

  - role: ds389_backup
    state: restored

Example playbook to copy a backup from controller to the 389 DS server:

- name: Playbook to copy a backup from controller to the 389 DS server
  hosts: dsinst
  become: true

    ds389_backup_name: dsinst.test.local_ds-full-2020-10-22-11-11-44
    ds389_backup_from_controller: yes

  - role: ds389_backup
    state: copied


Base Variables

Variable Description Required
state present to make a new backup, absent to remove a backup and copied to copy a backup from the server to the controller or from the controller to the server, restored to restore a backup. string (default: present) yes

Special Variables

Variable Description Required
ds389_backup_name The 389 DS backup name(s). Only for removal of server local backup(s) with state: absent, to copy server local backup(s) to the controller with state: copied and ds389_backup_from_server set, to copy a backup from the controller to the server with state: copied and ds389_backup_from_controller set or to restore a backup with state: restored either locally on the server of from the controller with ds389_backup_from_controller set. If all is used all available backups are copied or removed that are following the backup naming scheme. string list no
ds389_backup_keep_on_server Keep local copy of backup on server with state: present and ds389_backup_to_controller, bool (default: no) no
ds389_backup_to_controller Copy backup to controller, prefixes backup with node name, remove backup on server if ds389_backup_keep_on_server is not set, bool (default: no) no
ds389_backup_controller_path Pre existing path on controller to store the backup in with state: present, path on the controller to copy the backup from with state: copied and ds389_backup_from_controller set also for the restore with state: restored and ds389_backup_from_controller set. If this is not set, the current working dir is used. string no
ds389_backup_name_prefix Set prefix to use for backup directory on controller with state: present or state: copied and ds389_backup_to_controller set, The default is the server FQDN, string no
ds389_backup_from_controller Copy backup from controller to server, restore if state: restored, copy backup to server if state: copied, bool (default: no) no


Simon Pichugin (@droideck) Big parts of and basic Ansible logic is taken from and it’s ipabackup role.

Last modified on 29 April 2024