
Historically, LDAP has always been considered extremely difficult to use, arcane, and complex. This has meant that it’s usage has always been confined to large businesses that are well resourced and have requirements such as centralised IDM systems. Our tools also reflected this time, where very little consideration was made to human interaction.

This seems like a really broad statement, but it doesn’t take long looking at our own experiences of 389 to see this. The very origin of my involvement in the project was writing python based cli tools for a University (that now form part of lib389) to avoid the complexities. A great example was “default indexes” vs “indexes”. No where documented what the difference was, only that default indexes apply to all backends. They don’t! They are templates to new backends!

It’s traps like this that have caught us all out. It’s time to make this easier. To do this we need to rethink our approach to design and programming.

User experience and human interaction

Let’s take a thought experiment about the importance of human centred design. Aviation has a long track record as an industry that examines all possible causes and influences on accidents.

Imagine we are in the cockpit of an aircraft. We are preparing for take off, and there is a false alarm that always goes off. We begin the habbit of disabling the alarm (and we think this is okay!). We prepare for a take off, and as we do, we lose engine power and crash. The alarm we disabled that was a false alarm, in this case, would have warned us to the lack of power and averted the disaster.

So what’s the human centred design here? In this case, it’s that false alarms are just as dangerous as real alerts. That we must account for humans who will ignore suprious error messages, and the time they become important, they will continue to be ignored. This is an inconsistent behaviour.

One would easily blame the pilot, but infact it’s not their fault - the design of the cockpit gave them misleading signals, that caused a series of futher interactions that led to the incident.

An interesting example of this was the Three Mile Island nuclear plant disaster. Many causes were provided, and people blamed the operators - however, Don Norman realised that the disaster would always have occured as the control system was misleading operators, and it was not possible for the human to interact with it correctly.

Human interaction is a field rooted in psychology, and Norman’s text “The Design of Everyday Things” is one of his most famous works and has been well referenced and reviewed.

His principles are:

Each of these points is critically important in the design of a system.


Consistency is the property that behaviours should remain consistent between invocations or uses of the tool, and between tools themself. Things that look similar should act similarly.

A simple example is cutlery. They consistently have a handle, that fits your hand, despite the changes between the implement at the end (spoon, fork, knife). Regardless of the cutlery, there is a consistency in the behaviour.


By inspecting the interface, the controls that can be used should be obvious. If a task requires a series of steps, then they should flow in the interface so that each step visibly leads to the next. Controls should be easy to find and inspect.

Consider a ring-pull can. There is one possible action - to use the ring pull.

A good anti-pattern is keyboard shortcuts. They are hard to find because they lack visibility despite the fact they “speed up” operation for those who know. They are a control that is hard to find. Contrast to an onscreen button that can be “clicked”. This is easy to find. It doesn’t mean everything should have an onscreen button however.

Affordance (Discovery)

Affordance is a term that defines that when looking at an object or control, the behaviour of the control and what ways it can be validly operated are immediately obvious.

For example, a keyboard, the only possible interaction of the control is to press the key.

An anti-pattern here is doors. A door with a vertical bar handle indicates “pull” as an affordance. However the door may be hinged to “push”. This isn’t you being silly - the door afforded you the wrong action! This is where doors-with-documentation (signs that say pull/push) came to be.

Critically, this is why documentation does not solve design problems. You should have a design that offers reasonable affordances, and documentation should be an extenstion describing higher level concepts - not apologising for your design mistakes. (If you hear me saying documentation is where bad design goes to die, this is why).


This is the relation ship between a control, and it’s effects. For example, given four lights arranged left to right, and below this, four buttons left to right it should be obvious which button corresponds to which light. There is a mapping relationship between the buttons to the lights. This is a good mapping, it requires no indications of function, and you know what the control relates too.

Kitchen stoves are generally a good example of bad mapping - you have multiple knobs arranged left to right, but the burners are in a grid. There is no clear mapping between the row of controls and the grid of burners. Once again, the knobs are “documented” to account for their bad design.


When something is done, a user should know that the action was recieved and took place. In Australia a great example of bad feedback is pedestrian crossings. Pressing the button gives no feedback as to if your intent to cross was recieved - instead people stand there pressing the button multiple times, to “hope” the system received their input. It is only once the light (eventually, up to 120 seconds later) goes green that you know your input was recieved.

Good feedback should be immediate and clear. Consider inserting coins to a vending machine. It immediately shows you the new balance of the machine, or it returns the coin. This is good feedback.


Every interface should have limits to prevent invalid states being possible. They prevent invalid data and other unknown effects.

An example of a bad-lack-of constraint was the classic ‘rm -rf’ command. Even in invalid (no permission) states, it would continue and “remove as much as possible”. Today this command has some better constaints, but is still wildly dangerous.

A good example of constraints is a microwave. When the door is open, the magnetron is disabled. This constraint exists as a safety tool to prevent injury to a human.

If you haven’t now is a great time to research and study Finite State Machines. They are an excellent way to model constraints and programs in general.

Using these in computers.

Here is some home work now: Using your computer, think about these principles and what is good and bad. Some great examples to try:

So now for each of these consider:

Lib389 Data Model

Lib389 is a semi-structured ORM system for LDAP.

At one end of the spectrum, you have ldap itself, which is a protocol and system for issuing arbitrary queries to semi-structured key-value objects.

At the other end, ORMs like in Django or SQL Alchemy are strict models of concepts to table structured data.

It’s pretty clear here that ORMs can’t apply to LDAP - If you had an ORM for users, but one userAccount also was extended by eduPerson, your ORM wouldn’t know how to cope with this.

But at the same time, raw LDAP operations are really hard to use, and requires lots of inside knowledge (LDAP servers largely violate visibility and affordance rules).

Lib389 is “in the middle”. We have a thin ORM like component that allows selection of and query of data, but we also are not so strict that data can not exceed the bounds of the object. For example it should be very reasonable to have userAccount’s with many different classes, and still interact with all the various parts.

Lib389 helps by:

Lib389’s origin was in a testing API for the server, but testing and configuration both share similarities. A goal of lib389 is to be the sole-administration point for the server.

One of the secret, hidden goals of lib389 has been personal - to eliminate the usage of ldifs and ldapmodify. ldifs and ldapmodify violate about every design principle there is, and I never want to see one ever again. I want there to be an easy to use API that helps me administer the server. lib389 is the LDAP admin toolkit I wish I had 5 years ago.

Lib389 API design guide

We can now take these principles to how we design API’s and objects in lib389.


All new features should be subclasses of DSLdapObject(s). If you are writing something and it feels like it’s hard to make it work with DSLdapObject(s), there are two causes:

A good interface with DSLdapObject(s) is the memberOf plugin tooling.

A bad interface is the UidUniqueness plugin (the cn=config syntax does not map well to lib389, but this is the fault of the plugin, not DSLdapObjects).

This means, with DSLdapObjects in mind, new features should think about how their configurations will map to the object model and it’s interaction. Additionally, when we are implementing new features in lib389, they should all use this model for a consistent API.


Every attribute of the class should have a get/set for those attributes, with associated help text. This allows them to be found easily (For batching, see constraints below). This helps relieve burden on documentation, since every possible action and configuration already exists as functions in the lib389 api, and subsequent, means that we can easily remember and access these.


The interface should be clear how it works in it’s naming, variable naming, and argument mandatory status. Which of these is better?:

def import(be=None, suffix=None, l=None, *args):

def import_backend_ldif(be, ldif_name, replication_metadata=True):
def import_suffix_ldif(suffix, ldif_name, replication_metadata=True):

Which of these is easier to see how to use? Which requires more or less validation?


Everything should be related clearly to the concepts of the server. This is mainly a case for clear, consistent naming of functions, classes and variables. It also is important that actions are clearly related to this plural or singular object types. Violations of this is singulars referring to the plural, or the plural acting on many singulars.


Do not catch exceptions. Let it fail fast so that error feedback is immediately provided. In the sucess case, use log messages to indicate operation success. Be clear about what succeeded or failed, why, and what do to about it. Writing a good error message is just as important as reporting the error itself.

If you see an error message but don’t know what to do to fix it, that’s bad feedback - clear up the error message to indicate the correct course of action (or remove the possibility of error at all).


If you need to have constraints, such as two attributes must always be set together, then make your interface at the api level enforce and show this. For example:

set_attr_x_and_y(x, y)

If you want to have someone use a backend or a suffix, write two functions, one for each! This affords the correct usage and means that the constraints exist at a python level forcing those values to be set.

CLI design guide

The cli and it’s interactions are also driven by these principles, and also by lots of anti-patterns in cli tools.


All of our tools take concepts that flow from “largest to smallest”. This means at each level we become more and more specific. An example would be:

dsctl <instance> <config concept> <concept actions> <action> <options> [--<optional options>]

This is important because it means all our tools always flow in this way, which provides a really nice mental construction pattern. It makes typing easy, and all commands feel similar.


At each level, the visibility of what controls are available can be found by –help at each layer or tab completion. Every level’s –help should have a proper description of the level, and the naming should be clear. Tab completion can help, but we should not rely on it solely for true visibility.


In a command line tool, this mainly relates to the “options” once we select the actual command at whatever depth we are at. This is where required arguments should be positional and without ‘–’, and optional arguments are given by ‘–’.

In some cases of lib389, there are arguments that if not provided positionally will be interactively prompted for, allowing the command to run even with a lack of infromation. It’s arguable if this is good or bad :)


This relates to clear, and accessible naming of the commands and what they do. For example

dsconf <instance> backend create

There is only one possible relationship and action this could be. A more interesting example is to compare:

dsconf <instance> backend modify --backend=<backend name> --attr=<attrname>

This is a bit more subtle, but here, because –backend is “optional” it’s hard to see how it relates to the attribute, especially when you change it to:

dsconf <instance> backend modify --attr=<attrname> --backend=<backend name>

Are we now modifying the attribute to have a backend? The relationship here is no longer clear.


Any error is immediately raised as an exception, and success is always indicated after an action.


This is especially important in the CLI. Not only is it important to constrain the options we allow a user to use, but it is important to constrain what we do not show. For example, there are many dangerous, unclear, and unhelpful options that the server supports, that we plainly should never show.

This one is very important. We have an oppotunity to limit what tasks and changes are offered in our cli. These constraints are valuable because less commands is less confusion to an admin, offering a more focused and easier experience.

For example, during an ldif export, there shouldn’t be 10 options, and you need to provide 3 of them to get what you want. The defaults should be correct and the remaining options should be considered if they provide value at all.

Another good example is password schemes - we should not even offer plaintext/md5/sha1 as a CLI option, even though the server can support it. This constraint makes the users choices limited, but safer.

CLI Examples (good and bad)

Using our own cli, and made-up examples, let’s go through some good and bad examples, and examine why they are good and bad. I’m going to do everythig in terms of dsconf, because that’s easy.

1: dsconf config set --errorlog-level=4 --instance=instance
2: dsconf instance config --password-policy --enable
3: dsconf instance backend create --cn=userRoot
4: dsconf instance backend import backend1 --no-index --ldif some.ldif
5: dsconf instance backend delete backend1 backend2 backend3
6: dsconf instance backend export backend1 backend2 --ldif=ldif1 --ldif=ldif2

Have a think about the principles and let’s see what’s good and bad here ….

This is a bad command because a constraint (instance requirement) has become an optional argument, and it’s harder to visibily see that the –instance is an option at all. One could validly try to type ‘dsconf config set –errorlog=4’ and never find the instance setting.

This command is bad because config suddenly has many more “–” options at it’s top level, which means that it doesn’t afford to it’s valid usage - people may try “dsconfig instance config –password-policy –memberof-plugin –enable”. It’s also likely a constraint violation, because we allowed multple incorrect ways to use it.

This is the good command - and exists today in the code base. The options are visible, they have a 1 to 1 mapping of what will happen (backend singular will be created), the –cn parameter is truly optional (if not given it’s prompted for), and constraints exist that make sure the command works properly. The constraint is actually in lib389, in how it enforces a cn and suffix, and additionally makes the mapping-tree for you so you don’t have to.

This is a bad command. The –no-index flag, doesn’t easily convey it’s function to the consumer, and additionally, the ability to create an import where the attributes are not indexed should be a constraint violation because you leave the system in an invalid state. Finally, –ldif is “required” for an import, yet it affords that it is optional by having a – argument style (and is not automatically prompted for …)

This is a bad command. The confusion is in poor mapping, that a “singular” term of ‘backend delete’ now suddenly applies to many things (Should be backendS delete). We shouldn’t do looping in our commands because that’s the shell’s job, and it’s hard for us to properly represent a looping structure in a single command line. For example here, what order are the backends deleted in? Is the operation atomic? Can the system be left in partial states? Just because you know the answer doesn’t mean our users do - and that is important to keep in mind.

This is bad because the mapping relationship of backend export to ldif is not immediately clear. As well we have inconsistency in the command, where a required argument has no –, but the ldif requires a –.

It lacks constraint too. What happens if we have three backends and two ldifs? What will happen?

Other general notes


William Brown – william at blackhats.net.au

Last modified on 2 April 2024