LMDB Import - Software Design Specification


The first implementation of “import” functionality based on import for bdb has two major drawbacks: - bad performance compared to bdb import - database size grows out of control This document present a proposal to fix theses issues. By “import” I mean the ldif2db, reindex, total update and upgrade functionalities.

bdb import synopsys

In bdb plugibn code there are two way to import things - reindex / upgrade - import / total update

bdb reindex / upgrade synopsys

reindex is handled by a single thread that read the entries then update the indexes.

bdb import / total update synopsys

importi/total update is handled by a set of threads:

thread role
ldif2db provider read ldif entries and push them towards foreman
total update provider push added entry towards foreman
foreman write entry in db, update special indexes like entryrdn, push entry towards workers
worker There are one worker per attributes (regular or vlv) to index. a worker thread is in charge of updating a single attribute

This is quite efficient because a thread handled all the write in a db instance. Infortunately lmdb allows only a single active write txn so the write cannot be parallelized (and by calling back some backend function, read txn are implicitely used which also cause trouble with lmdb )

Proposed lmdb import synopsys

The idea is to have the same model for all functions with the following threads:




Main database id2entry PROVIDER WORKER WRITER Main database


Main database id2entry PROVIDER WORKER WRITER Main database

bulk import

Suplier LDAP operation working thread PROVIDER WORKER WRITER Main database

Thread descriptions

thread role
index/upgrade provider read entries from id2entry (releasing the txn aftewards) and push them towards workers
ldif2db provider read ldif entries and push them towards workers
bulk import provider get entries from bulk import queue, prepare the entry info and parent entry info (delaying the entry until the parent is added) then push the entry to worker queues
ldap operation worker threads push added entry towards bulk import provider
workers Compute ancestors ids (from DN or from parent id) using entryrdn cache or entryrdn db instance
Push toward writer the 3 entryrdn keys (The entry, The parent entry, The child entry (of parent)) and data
Push toward writer the ancestorid keys and data
Push toward writer the id2entry key and data
Push toward writer all indexes keys and data
writer Wait until enough triplet (dbi, key, data) are in the queue the open a write txn
put key,data in dbi then commit the txn and flush the entryrdn cache

Detailed Design



Change backend state (to referral)
if Import of Total update:
    delete the backend bdi ...

Generate be attribute list and open/create associated dbi
    Special dbi/indexes:
        id2entry (if upgrade rename it to :id2entry to avoid overwriting it.
    Note: in upgrade/reindex case the entries keep the same id, and entryrdn is not recomputed because:
      * migration from old dn model to "new" dn model support is not supported over bdb.
      * if entryrdn is broken we are no more able to get the entry dn anyway
    avl_apply(job->inst->inst_attrs, (IFP)dbmdb_import_attr_callback,
              (caddr_t)job, -1, AVL_INORDER);
    vlv_getindices((IFP)dbmdb_import_attr_callback, (void *)job, be);
if upgrade/reindex:
    Determine which attribute must be indexed
For all reindexed file:
    reset the dbi and mark it as DIRTY
    set the index off line (index->ai->ai_indexmask &= ~INDEX_OFFLINE)
Compute nbslot accoding to util_get_hardware_threads()
start worker threads and writer thread


Mode Caller Action
index/upgrade index/upgrade Get next entry in id2entry (reopening a txn and a cursor / moving to last seen id and getting next one) prepare entry and parent entry info ==> push id and entry data to worker
bulk import dbmdb_db2ldif Get next entry from bulk import queue (pushed by ldap operation worker thread when receiving the ldap add operation from the supplier) then prepare the entry and parent entry info (delaying the  entry util parent entry exists) then push the id and the entry ldif string to worker
import dbmdb_db2ldif Get next entry in ldif file, generate an id then prepare the entry and parent entry info and push these data to worker. If RUV is seen before the suffix entry it is kept and push after the last entry.
Find a free slot to store entry with id PidE and DN rdn/nrdn and idP (and reserve it)
if no free slot wait until we can get a free slot)
store in slot: entry id (import/total udate case) and entry data
  id2entry data in (reindex/update case)
  ldif entry stanza in import case
  plain fully decoded entry in total update case
mark slot as ready
get next entry

Worker (slot s):

Wait until slot s get ready: prepare the entry decode the data to get a fully decoded backentry process entryrdn determine the ancestors ids and rdn_element by querying the rdncache (either from parent id or from parent dn) [0] From worker slot micro cache (that contains last entry and its ancestors (id + rdn_elem)) [1] From writer cache (containing the not yet commited write txn (id + rdn_elem)) [2] From rdn index (using entryrdn_index_read_ext) if not found mark the entry as skipped (if import) or as fatal error (otherwise) mark slot as free loop back to “Wait until slot s get ready” update entryrdn cache and check if added elem has the right id otherwise try to handle duplicate DN either by aborting or skipping the entry or renaming the entry or then as tombstone entry push in writer queue entryrdn: ‘P’ entry id ==> rdn_element(parent id, parent RDN) push in writer queue entryrdn: entry id ==> rdn_element(entry id, entry RDN) push in writer queue entryrdn: ‘C’ parent id ==> rdn_element(entry id + entry RDN) ( note if entry is the suffix only nrdn ==> rdn_element(entry id, entry RDN) is pushed ) push in writer parentid: queue parent id ==> entry id for each id in ancestors push in writer queue ancestorid: id-ancestor ==> id->entry Release the slot s and signal the other threads process foreman encode and push the entry in writer thread queue. (id2enytry: entry id ==> encoded data process standard index: for each attribute in entry if attribute is indexed generate index key (similar to what is done in index_addordel_values_ext_sv without storing the data) process vlv index: for each vlv index if entry matchs the filter generate the key (as vlv_update_index without storing the data) push in writer queue index dbi: key -> entry Id


Wait until producer and all worker threads have finished or until queue has more than 2000 elements. use compare and swap atomic operation to get the queued elements and reset the queue If no element finish the thread Open write txn for each element in queue put dbi -> key, data Commit TXN and loop back to waiting for element

###Epilogue if (abort flags is set) { remove all backend dbis exit }

if numsubordonate is being indexed
    walk id2entry (or renamed id2entry)
        if id in ancestorid
            decode entry
            update numsubordonate
            reencode entry
            write it back in id2entry
Mark all reindexed dbi as not DIRTY
Mark all reindexed index as online
change backend state back to the original state



Worker queue
     The "queue" should have:
        - a global mutex and condvar to:
            -  wait until a slot gets free (when all slots are busy)
            -  wait until current slot gets ready
        - the number of slots (i.e the number of workers)
        - an array of slots
        - a counter for wait_id
    each queue element (slots) should contains:
        - A state flag - telling whether slot is free - ready - busy
         - ID wait_id - (the ID is a simple counter which may be used as entryID in import or total update case.
        - A FifoItem to determine the entry and its error logging data
           Note: the "entry" field contains:
             - ldif text in case of import
             - id2entry data in case of reindex or upgrade
             - pointer to backentry in total update case
    functions should be:
        - void ImportWorkerQueuePush(InfoJob *info, FifoItem *item)
        - ImportWorkerQueuedata ImportWorkerQueuePop(InfoJob *info, int slotid)
N to 1 queues
A generic queue used when only a single thread is dequeuing the iitems
 and many thread can enqueue them.
The queue contains some threshold for flow control and utilities
 to duplicate and delete the elements
Writer queue
A N to 1 queue whose elements contains:
        - dbi  (i.e the database instance)
        - key  (the record key)
        - data (the record data)

The items in this queue are pushed by the worker threads and read by the writer thread
Bulk import queue
A N to 1 queue whose elements contains:
        - ep  (i.e the backend entry)
        - id  (the entry id)
        - key (the entry key (i.e ndn))
        - wait4key (the parent entry key (i.e ndn))

The items in this queue are pushed by the ldap operation worker threads
 and read by the bulk import thread.
Another queue with same struct is used internally by the
bulk import thread to handle the waiting entries
(that is why the key and wait4key fields are present)
 struct is used both from the incomming and waiting queue
  handled by bulk import provider thread.


EntryInfo private database:

Why having a private database ?:

To be able to update the entryrdn, ancestorid and parentid indexes the worker thread not only needs the entry but also some data about the parent entry. (typically its ID, ancestor ids and rdn).

To do that the producer thread retrieve the parent entry data and store it in the worker queue element then compute the entry data and both store it in the worker queue element and in the private database. If the parent is not found either the entry is skipped as bad (import case) or pushed in a waiting queue until the parent entry info get added (bulk import/reindex/upgrade cases)

Private database means: A temporary lmdb database created,used and deleted by the producer thread. Notes:

  1. Main (sub)database cannot be used because the writer thread txn prevents access to the database by other threads.

  2. Hash table could have been used but it is difficult to estimate its maximum number of elements

Reordering the entries util parent is added in the private database

Data from parent entries are needed but entries may not get processed by the provider in order except in the import case because parent entries are defined before children entries in the ldif file (with an exception about the RUV) So bulk import, index and upgrade provider thread handles two lists

If the entry that is beeing processed has no parent it is pushed in the waiting list and associated with the parent key. Then next entry is processed. When an entry is succesfully added in the private database the waiting list is walked and all element waiting for the entry key are moved back in the incomming entry queues.

Database record format

The key is either the entry ID (index/upgrade cases) or the entry ndn (import/ bulk import cases)

The record data contains the following datas

Data Comment
entry ID  
nbAncestors number of ancestors
nrdn len normalized rdn lenght including final \0
rdnlen rdn lenght including final \0
ancestorID 1 first ancestor ID
ancestorID n n th ancestor ID
nrdn normalized rdn

The private database size is either the sum of the ldif file sizes when ldif files are available or 10% of the main database size

Other data:


There is one ImportCtx struct per ImportJob and it contains the global data needed to perform the import over mdb

Field Usage
job The ImportJob
ctx The db-mdb plugin context
entryrdndbi the entryrdn database instance
slots the array of worker threads contextes (cf ImportSlot)
nbslots number of worker threads
bulkq_state tell weither supplier has pushed the last entry in bulk
bulkq bulk import queue
worker_queue worker queue
writer_queue writer queue

This struct represent a worker thread context

Field Usage
wait_id A value that determine the order in which the slots have been filled

The ImportJob struct is reused with the following restriction:

Field Usage
task task
flags flags
input_filenames ldif filenames
index_list index_list
worker_list worker_list
number_indexers Not used
starting_ID Not used
first_ID Not used
lead_ID Not used
ready_ID Not used
ready_EID Not used
trailing_ID Not used
current_pass Not used
total_pass Not used
skipped skipped
not_here_skipped not_here_skipped
merge_chunk_size Not used
voodoo logic for deciding when to begin Not used
uuid_gen_type uuid_gen_type
uuid_namespace uuid_namespace
mothers ???
average_progress_rate average_progress_rate
recent_progress_rate recent_progress_rate
cache_hit_ratio Not used
start_time start_time
progress_history progress_history
progress_times progress_times
job_index_buffer_size Not used
job_index_buffer_suggestion Not used
include_subtrees include_subtrees
exclude_subtrees exclude_subtrees
fifo Not used
task_status task_status
wire_lock Used with wire_cv
wire_cv Used to wait until main-thread initialization is done and we are reading to queue entries
main_thread main import thread (dbmdb_import_main) tid
encrypt encrypt
usn_value usn_value
upgradefd ???
numsubordinates ???
writer_ctx the ImportCtx struct


There may be competition between index/upgrade provider thread and writer threads that both require txn on the main database but in both cases the txn hanles a batch of operations so its mitigates the contention risk.

There is not much differences between on line and off line version and as far as there is no other ldap load the performances are quite similar.

Last modified on 29 April 2024