FAQ about BerkeleyDB backend deprecation and using LMDB backend

Since 389-ds-base 2.1.0, The 389 ldap directory server supports two kind of underlying database:

Starting from version 3.0.0 New instances are no longer created with BerkeleyDB by default but with LMDB.

Newly created instances are still created with BerkeleyDB by default while libdb is flagged as deprecated since Fedora 33, this change is about to:

Why deprecating BerkeleyDB backend ?

Because the underlying library implementing the BerkeleyDB version used by 389-ds-base is no longer supported upstream and it is already deprecated in some OS:

How the database implementation switch is implemented ?

The database implementation is determined by the nsslapd-backend-implement attribute of cn=config,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config entry Its value determines the database type and the config entry (containing the database specific parameters) that is used:

Database Value Config entry
BerkeleyDB bdb cn=bdb,cn=config,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config
LMDB mdb cn=mdb,cn=config,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config

How to configure a new instance with LMDB or BerkeleyDB ?

There are several ways:

  1. Using dscreate interactive: Select the proper implementation when the following question is asked:

    Choose whether mdb or bdb is used.
  2. Using dscreate from-file: Set the following stanza in the template file:

    db_lib = mdb (or bdb)
  3. Using dscreate with an environment variable. Setting NSSLAPD_DB_LIB environment variable to bdb or mdb changes the backend implementation chosen by default

Set db_lib = mdb (or bdb) in [slapd] section of dscreate template file

Can I mix different implementations ?

Mixing implementations limitations are:

Question Answer
Can I mix backends with different implementations in an instance ? No
Can I mix instances with different backends implementations on an host Yes
Can I mix replicas with different implementation in a replicated topology ? Yes

How to migrate between database implementation ?

There are several ways to do that.

Automatic method

Note: these tools do not cleanup the old data (so you can revert by simply changing nsslapd-backend-implement back). To remove the old database, after verifying that everything is working as expected, the following command should be run:

Manual Method - export to ldif

[A] Export all the backends to ldif

[B] This step should be skipped when migrationg from LMDB to BerkeleyDB. Determine the LMDB database maximum size. A way to do that could be to compute the existing databases size and add a safety margin:

[C] Change nsslapd-backend-implement:

dsconf instanceName backend config set --db-lib mdb
dsctl instanceName restart

[D] This step should be skipped when migrationg from LMDB to BerkeleyDB. Set mdb-max-size to the value computed in step [B]

dsconf instanceName backend config set --mdb-max-size 2G
dsctl instanceName restart

[E] Import the ldif on all backends

[F] This step should be skipped when migrationg from BerkeleyDB.Optionally to LMDB. Usually the default values are good enough but optionnaly some BerkeleyDB database parameters may need to be tuned. (Typically the database cache size)

Manual method - initialize through replication

Same as the export method with the following changes:

skip step [A]

replace step [E] by: initialize all backends through replication from another supplier

What is the plan for OS that does not anymore provide libdb ?

We plan to provide a tool that will still be able to read the BerkeleyDB databases to export the data in ldif

What are the impact of using LMDB ?

Underlying database implementation is controlled by the nsslapd-backend-implement config attribute.

Most functionalities and interfaces are not impacted by switching its value from bdb to mdb but there are still some impacts:

Backend configuration attributes impact

Some configuration parameters are used or unused depending of the underlying database:

nsslapd-backend-implement Config attribute name
mdb only nsslapd-mdb-max-size
mdb only nsslapd-mdb-max-readers
mdb only nsslapd-mdb-max-dbs
bdb only nsslapd-dbcachesize
bdb only nsslapd-dbncache
bdb only nsslapd-db-logdirectory
bdb only nsslapd-db-circular-logging
bdb only nsslapd-db-transaction-wait
bdb only nsslapd-db-checkpoint-interval
bdb only nsslapd-db-compactdb-interval
bdb only nsslapd-db-compactdb-time
bdb only nsslapd-db-transaction-batch-val
bdb only nsslapd-db-transaction-batch-min-wait
bdb only nsslapd-db-transaction-batch-max-wait
bdb only nsslapd-db-logbuf-size
bdb only nsslapd-db-page-size
bdb only nsslapd-db-index-page-size
bdb only nsslapd-db-logfile-size
bdb only nsslapd-db-trickle-percentage
bdb only nsslapd-db-spin-count
bdb only nsslapd-db-verbose
bdb only nsslapd-db-debug
bdb only nsslapd-db-locks
bdb only nsslapd-db-locks-monitoring-enabled
bdb only nsslapd-db-locks-monitoring-threshold
bdb only nsslapd-db-locks-monitoring-pause
bdb only nsslapd-db-named-regions
bdb only nsslapd-db-private-mem
bdb only nsslapd-db-private-import-mem
bdb only nsslapd-db-shm-key
bdb only nsslapd-db-debug-checkpointing
bdb only nsslapd-db-lockdown
bdb only nsslapd-db-tx-max
bdb only nsslapd-online-import-encrypt
bdb only nsslapd-db-deadlock-policy
bdb or mdb nsslapd-db-home-directory
bdb or mdb nsslapd-db-durable-transaction
bdb or mdb nsslapd-db-transaction-logging
bdb or mdb nsslapd-db-idl-divisor
bdb or mdb nsslapd-db-old-idl-maxids

Backend monitoring attribute impact

Attribute in cn=monitor,cn=*backend_name*,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config entries also change depending of the underlying database

nsslapd-backend-implement Monitoring attribute name
mdb abortROtxn
mdb abortRWtxn
mdb activeROtxn
mdb activeRWtxn
mdb commitROtxn
mdb commitRWtxn
bdb or mdb currentDnCacheCount
bdb or mdb currentDnCacheSize
bdb or mdb currentEntryCacheCount
bdb or mdb currentEntryCacheSize
bdb or mdb currentNormalizedDnCacheCount
bdb or mdb currentNormalizedDnCacheSize
bdb or mdb database
bdb dbCacheHitRatio
bdb dbCacheHits
bdb dbCachePageIn
bdb dbCachePageOut
bdb dbCacheROEvict
bdb dbCacheRWEvict
bdb dbCacheTries
mdb dbenvLastPageNo
mdb dbenvLastTxnId
mdb dbenvMapMaxSize
mdb dbenvMapSize
mdb dbenvMaxReaders
mdb dbenvNumDBIs
mdb dbenvNumReaders
bdb dbFileCacheHit-%d
bdb dbFileCacheMiss-%d
bdb dbFilename-%d
bdb dbFilePageIn-%d
bdb dbFilePageOut-%d
mdb dbiBranchPages
mdb dbiBranchPages-%d
mdb dbiEntries-%d
mdb dbiFlags-%d
mdb dbiLeafPages
mdb dbiLeafPages-%d
mdb dbiName-%d
mdb dbiOverflowPages
mdb dbiOverflowPages-%d
mdb dbiPageSize
mdb dbiPageSize-%d
mdb dbiTreeDepth
mdb dbiTreeDepth-%d
bdb or mdb dnCacheHitRatio
bdb or mdb dnCacheHits
bdb or mdb dnCacheTries
bdb or mdb entryCacheHitRatio
bdb or mdb entryCacheHits
bdb or mdb entryCacheTries
mdb grantTimeROtxn
mdb grantTimeRWtxn
mdb lifeTimeROtxn
mdb lifeTimeRWtxn
bdb or mdb maxDnCacheCount
bdb or mdb maxDnCacheSize
bdb or mdb maxEntryCacheCount
bdb or mdb maxEntryCacheSize
bdb or mdb maxNormalizedDnCacheSize
bdb or mdb NormalizedDnCacheEvictions
bdb or mdb normalizedDnCacheHitRatio
bdb or mdb normalizedDnCacheHits
bdb or mdb normalizedDnCacheMisses
bdb or mdb NormalizedDnCacheThreadSize
bdb or mdb NormalizedDnCacheThreadSlots
bdb or mdb normalizedDnCacheTries
bdb or mdb readOnly
mdb waitingROtxn
mdb waitingRWtxn

Performances impact

Several points related to the implementation differences between LMDB and BerkeleyDB

impacts the performances

[A] LMDB does not support DB_RECNUM database. This impacts the VLV searches (there is no fast way to get a record by using its position, we have to traverse all the records and count them so even if VLV searches are still working with LMDB, they are very slow).

[B] The locking mechanism is very different. There can only be a single write transaction at a given time.

The fact that the writes needs to be serialized impacts:

[C] The fact that all the database is in virtual memory instead of using a database cache

Last modified on 24 July 2024