389 Directory Server is a high performance LDAP server, trusted and used around the world for identity management and authentication systems. It is the foundation of other open source projects, and businesses everywhere - from universities to cloud providers. The project is well known for its engineering excellence, stability and performance.
Contributing to 389 Directory Server is an opportunity to connect with a global team of engineers working on a high profile open source project. Not only will you be able to learn valuable engineering skills, your contribution will help to improve a project that impacts the security of individuals and businesses around the world.
We welcome individuals of all skill levels and backgrounds.
Before you jump into the code, here are some things you can do to familarise yourself with the 389 Directory Server project:
Many of us in the team started by asking questions and raising bugs.
We can be contacted via our mailing lists for users or developers.
We are often in irc on irc.libera.chat - we use the #389 channel. We are distributed all around the world, so we may not answer. Email is your best communication option.
Issues and requests for enhancement can be raised on our github instance
We recommend Fedora or CentOS as build platforms: this is what our team uses, so it works very well.
Component | GIT Repository | Clone the Repository |
Directory Server | https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base.git | git clone https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base.git git clone git@github.com:389ds/389-ds-base.git |
Also see our source code & tarball page here
On Fedora:
sudo dnf install @buildsys-build make
# This grabs the *runtime* requirements rather than rpm build requirements
sudo dnf install --setopt=strict=False `grep -E "^(Build)?Requires" 389-ds-base/rpm/389-ds-base.spec.in | grep -v -E '(name|MODULE)' | awk '{ print $2 }' | sed 's/%{python3_pkgversion}/3/g' | grep -v "^/" | grep -v pkgversion | sort | uniq | tr '\n' ' '`
On CentOS:
sudo yum install @buildsys-build make epel-release
sudo yum install --skip-broken `grep -E "^(Build)?Requires" 389-ds-base/rpm/389-ds-base.spec.in | grep -v -E '(name|MODULE)' | awk '{ print $2 }' | grep -v "^/" | grep -v pkgversion | sort | uniq| tr '\n' ' '`
cd 389-ds-base/
autoreconf -fiv
./configure --enable-debug --with-openldap --enable-cmocka --enable-asan
make lib389
make check
sudo make install
sudo make lib389-install
You can build rpms and rpms by using these commands:
make -f rpm.mk rpms
make -f rpm.mk srpms
These packages are then located in dist/rpms or dist/srpms
It can happen that the building process will fail on one of the stages with an error about npm vulnerabilities. They can be fixed semi-automaticly by running:
pushd src/cockpit/389-ds-console
npm audit fix
It is advisable to create a separate commit for fixing the audit issues.
Additionally, you may need to skip audit-ci check because you are doing a bisect, checking older commit, or we just want to skip a known issue. For these purposes, we can use an environment variable SKIP_AUDIT_CI as per following:
SKIP_AUDIT_CI=1 make -f rpm.mk rpms
SKIP_AUDIT_CI=1 make -f rpm.mk srpms
In 389-ds-base-1.4.0 you can package the source code and latest UI (cockpit plugin/node_modules). You do have to create a git tag, but you can just delete it after making the tarball
export TAG=389-ds-base- ; git tag $TAG ; make -f rpm.mk dist-bz2
git tag -d 389-ds-base-
If you are working on Cockpit UI patch, it may be handy to have an environment which automatically build when you do a change in the code, so you can see the result in browser right away.
For that, you need to link your local cockpit environment to system-wide cockpit-389-ds directory:
make 389-console-devel-install
And after that, you can run this command in a separate terminal (so you can monitor for any errors during the development):
cd ./src/cockpit/389-console
If you want to have the npm-audit, you need to add ‘-a’ parameter:
./buildAndRun.sh -a
So now, every time you make a change in the cockpit-389-ds sourse code and save it, - just refresh the browser to see the change.
Once you have installed the server you can run our tests on them
389-ds-base support cmocka unit tests:
make check
In addition we ship function tests that deploy and run directory server to test it. You can run these with py.test
sudo py.test -s 389-ds-base/dirsrvtests/tests/suites/basic/
When you write code, it’s a great idea to run our tests as well as providing your own for the feature.
When you submit code to the 389 Directory Server project, you are required to complete the Fedora Project Contributor Agreement. This can be completed on the Fedora account system under the “My Account” tab.
Go to https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base and fork the repo. Add the forked repo link as a remote to your local git repo:
git remote add myfork git@github.com:droideck/389-ds-base.git
Also see the Pull-Request Cheatsheet
git checkout main
git pull
git checkout -b my-awesome-feature
# Your work goes here!
When you first start, it’s a good idea to ask for advice along the way. We are happy to check your code in a git branch or patch as your progress. We want to help your code improve and be a good submission.
When you have finished your code, you have had it pre-reviewed, it’s time to get the patch ready.
If you are working on existing issue in GitHub, take note of it’s issue number and URL.
If you are working on a new feature, make a new RFE issue, and take note of it’s issue number and URL.
While you are working on the issue, continue to commit onto HEAD your fixes during the review. Do not force-push.
git commit
git push myfork
After the review is done, make sure that your work is a single commit with no extraneous files. You can turn multiple commits into one through a rebase-squash process.
git log
# identify the top 3 commits as the work you want to submit
git rebase -i HEAD~3
git push myfork --force-with-lease
Now you will see a list of commits like:
pick 2431753 Issue 48864 - Cleanup memory detection before we add cgroup support
pick 9b5a69f Issue 49206 - Add missing make dependency
pick 62e033d Issue 48864 - Add cgroup memory limit detection to 389-ds
These are in order of “oldest to newest”.
You want to squash the “newest” commits to your first commit. So you change the lines to the following:
pick 2431753 Issue 48864 - Cleanup memory detection before we add cgroup support
squash 9b5a69f Issue 49206 - Add missing make dependency
squash 62e033d Issue 48864 - Add cgroup memory limit detection to 389-ds
Now save and exit your text editor. You’ll be presented with a chance to review the commit message. We like to use the following format.
Issue ##### - <SUMMARY>
Bug Description:
Fix Description:
relates: <The Issue URL>
Author: <your name here>
Reviewed by: ???
Fill in the commit message and save. You now have a single well formed commit to send us. In GitHub, the “relates” keyword will update that Issue with the commit hash (a very convenient feature).
Push the commit to your remote forked repo
git push myfork
Go to 389-ds-base Pull Requests, press Open PR button and choose your branch. Check that all fields have a right information and press Create Pull Request button.
Alternatively you can create and upload a patch file (it was an old way before the pull-requests) You can run the next command to generate a patch file from the last commit:
git format-patch -1
Add the patch file as an attachment to your issue on GitHub.
While we hope you were running tests as you developed your patch, we ask that you run the tests once more here with your single patch to make sure there are no issues here to surprise us!
Go to your GitHub issue and set the metadata flag “reviewstatus” to “review”.
Finally, send an email to the 389-devel@lists.fedoraproject.org mailing list like the following:
Subject: Please review: Issue XXXX - fix issue, add feature,...
# or a link to the patch
We’ll provide comments in the GitHub issue about the code, offering suggestions or asking questions. Finally, once we are happy and have worked with you on the review, we’ll set the reviewstatus to “ack”, and will merge your code to the main branch.
Creating a new feature is slightly different to creating a patch to an issue. We ask that you submit a design for review before you start work.
Contact us on the 389-devel@lists.fedoraproject.org mailing list about your idea. We’ll let you know how best to implement it or approach the problem.
Follow the design document template, and have a look at other existing designs for inspiration (design/design.html).
Send the markdown file to 389-devel@lists.fedoraproject.org and we’ll discuss it with you. Once you and the team are happy with it, we’ll put it on the website.
Now, write the code just like you would a patch!
Simply write up your new page in MarkDown, see How to write a wiki page, then file a issue, select “wiki” as the component, and attach the file. Then we will post your content asap.
Thanks to @charcol for contributing to this page, and advice on its content.