ol2rhds.pl - This script should convert OpenLDAP schemas to RHDS/FDS schema and it will (hopefully) order things according to RFC 2252. Apparently RHDS/FDS is really strict about the order folling the RFC, where OpenLDAP isn’t.
ol-macro-expand.pl - Expands OpenLDAP schema OID macros
ol-schema-migrate.pl - Convert OpenLDAP schema files into Fedora DS format with RFC2252 compliant printing
openLDAP2Fedora.pl - Converts the userpassword value from an OpenLDAP LDIF file and writes a new LDIF file for use in 389 DS.
openldap_response_time.pl - Script designed for cacti http://www.cacti.net Gives the time to do these LDAP operations: bind, RootDSE, and suffix (found in RootDSE)
These are shipped as part of the 389-ds package. You can find them installed in /usr/bin on most systems, along with man pages detailing their usage.