ansible ds389_module Design

General considerations

This module’s goals are:


Upper level parameters

Name Optional Kind Description
ds389 True Dict The instances parameters for [1] (Manage instances)
ds389info True Dict The prefix parameters for [2] (Gather facts)

Parameters in ds389

They are the first level parameters of the ds389_server action plugin :

Plugin Name Optional Kind Description
State True String
Determine the state of the instances
ds389_instances False List of dict The instance configuration
ds389_agmts True List of dict Data about replication agreement targets
ds389option* True List of dict Data used to merge/append value in parameters (Because Ansible overrides dicts and lists instead of merging them)
ds389_prefix True String Path of ds389 install prefix
ansible_host False String The remote host currently handled by the playbook. Used locally by the plugin to generate the ds389 parameters sent to the module from the host map
ansible_verbosity False Integer number of v when running ansible-playbook -vvv playbook.yml. Used  locally by the plugin and also sent to the module
ansible_check_mode False Boolean When true the action plugin should not change the state but only reports what it would change.


verbosity logs
0 None
1 module_args, plugin_args, WARNING python logs
3 action plugin hosts data, INFO python logs
4 action plugin backends, DEBUG python logs
5 Inventory,”variable” (i.e names that can be used as ds389option* name)


State Action
present Update 389ds configuration without deleting resources that are not listed.
absent Delete all specified instances
updated Synchronize 389ds configuration. Beware:  Resources that are not listed are deleted.
started Ensure that all listed instances are started
stopped Ensure that all listed instances are stopped


The details of the options should be fully documented in the ansible_collections/ds389/ansible_ds/playbooks/roles/ds389_server/README.md file that is delivered with the ds389.ansible collection (The list is quite long To ensure that the document is accurate, this file will be generated dynamically from the module options table)


Each dict in the list has the following format:

Field Optional Description Action
name True Mostly used when the dict needs to be a target for a ds389option* merge ignored
target False a string used to determine what are the target replicas
or a list of such strings.
targets are resolved and for each replicas a ds389.agmts dict is added containing this dict attributes (except the target) and the target backend attributes
* True Other standard 389ds agreement values. (Typically those related to the supplier side) kept as is

Note: it is still possible to describe agreements as children of the backend. That can be useful to target a replica that is not managed by ansible


Each dict in the list has one of the following formats:

Field Optional Type Description Action
name False String A space separated list used to determine the targetted dict(s) Handled locally within the plugin
merge False Dict Contains the dict of attribute to mege with the targetted dict(s)  


Field Optional Type Description Action
name False String A space separated list used to determine the targetted list(s) Handled locally within the plugin
append False List Append the list items to  the targetted list(s)  

 Nested dict are referred by using a dot notation:   The first item is either an instance name or a agmt name   The second item is the backend name   The third item is either an index name or agmt (the backend children one) name   In the append case, the last item is a parameter name which expect a list

and * may be used to match all items (i.e) localhost.*.myattr will refers to myattr index of all backends of localhost instance


The module result in stdout is a dict in json format. Its keys are:

Standard keys

List of implemented Standard ansible return keys:

Key Notes
ansible_facts Result for [2] (Gather fact)
exception only in case of failure
failed only in case of failure
invocation Parameters as the module received them
msg Some additionnal messages like the changes that have been or should be done or an error message
stderr only in error cases

Specific keys

Key Value Description Origin
cooked_message dict Parameters once the module processed them The module
original_message dict Parameters as the module received them The module
debug list of str Python log output (depends on the verbosity) The module
module_args dict Parameters sent by the plugin to the module Both plugins


ds389_server action plugin

The role of this plugin is to gather the data from inventory and generate the module parameters.

Collected data from the plugin args

args name Description Handling
state The optional state Sent to the module as ds389.state
Common data processing Any ds389_* variable provided as argument override the inventory ones Common data processing

Collected data from task_vars

task_vars name Description Handling
ansible_host The remote host currently handled by the playbook. Used locally by the plugin to generate the ds389 parameters sent to the module from the host map
ansible_verbosity number of v when running ansible-playbook -vvv playbook.yml. Used  locally by the plugin and also sent to the module as ds389.ansible_vars.ansible_verbosity
ansible_version ansible version Not used (maybe useful later on to clear some cached data)
ansible_user_uid The remote user uid Not used (maybe useful later on to check it is 0 if there is no prefix)
ansible_check_mode Tells when the action can change Sent to the module in ds389.ansible_vars.ansible_check_mode
hostvars dict of hosts dict Common data processing is applied on every host to collect the backends data from the hosts because  are needed to compute the agreements data.)

ansible_verbosity levels:

Verbosity Debug data returned
0 None except the error messages
1 Plugin calling parameters
Module calling parameters.
Note: only “safe” values that do not contain data extracted from vault are logged.
2 Module “INFO” traces
3 Module “DEBUG” traces

Common data processing

The following data are collected from each hosts in task_vars.hostsvars to generate a map of host –> backend list that will be used for agmts target resolution

task_vars name Description Handling
: 389ds instances list for current remote host Stored  in ds389.instances
ds389_agmts 389ds agreements list for current remote host Stored in ds389.agmts after the target resolution
ds389_prefix 389ds install prefix for current remote host Stored in ds389.prefix
ds389option* Option modifier to append item in list or merge item in dict Processed locally to update the matching variable for the processed host

The processing for a given host extracted from the hostsvars list

Topology global validation

As the module only receives the data related the current host, validation tests about the global topology must be done at the plugin level. And while doing these tests some other consistency test are also done at the plugin level. Typically:

ds389_info action plugin

The role of this plugin is to call the modules to generate facts from the the hosts dse.ldif configurations files

Parameters in ds389info

They are the first level parameters of the ds389_server action plugin :

Plugin Name Optional Kind Description
ds389_prefix True String Path of ds389 install prefix
ansible_verbosity False Integer number of v when running ansible-playbook -vvv playbook.yml. Used  locally by the plugin and also sent to the module
ansible_check_mode False Boolean When true the action plugin should not change the state but only reports what it would change.

Potential future developments

Last modified on 24 July 2024