Matching rule in chain, LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_IN_CHAIN (1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941), is an extensible match for search filter. It is used to lookup ancestry of an LDAP entry. For doing this it walks the chain of ancestry and so reveal all direct or indirect membership, like
- (member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=uid=foo,dc=com) # all direct or indirect groups, 'foo' is member of
- (manager:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=uid=bar,dc=com) # all direct or indirect users 'bar' is manager of
- (parentOrganization:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=ou=baz,dc=com) # all direct or indirect organization 'baz' belongs to
- (memberof:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=cn=grp1,dc=com) # all direct or indirect members of 'grp1' group
The benefits is that with a single search request, a ldap client can retrieve the ancestry without the need to iterate thru transveral group membership.
The matching rule is limited to distinguished Names attribute.
A ldap client application that retrieves all 'groupOfNames' that the user 'foo' is member of. It will use the extensible filter component
Note that both OID '1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941' and name 'inchainMatch' are supported.
A Matching Rule, in 389-ds, is delivered via the syntax plugin (/usr/lib64/dirsrv/plugins/ To register a new matchine rule, a syntax plugin (i.e. ‘nsslapd-plugintype: syntax’) is registered in the configuration of the instance (dse.ldif). The configuration entry is looking like
dn: cn=In Chain,cn=plugins,cn=config
objectclass: top
objectclass: nsSlapdPlugin
objectclass: extensibleObject
cn: In Chain
nsslapd-pluginpath: libsyntax-plugin
nsslapd-plugininitfunc: inchain_init
nsslapd-plugintype: syntax
nsslapd-pluginenabled: on
For new installation this entry is added in ldap/ldif/ For upgrade, the function upgrade_server() (ldap/servers/slapd/upgrade.c) creates it if it does not already exist.
A matching rule defines, for a given OID/name/alias, callbacks to identify candidates that match an assertion value and callbacks to check if a given entry matches or not a give filter component.
During a search, a filter component selects (via the attribute syntax or the extensible match OID) a given matching rule. The matching rule is first called to compute the database keys that matches the assertion value (mr_values2keys). Then the searches looks from the index files, to transform each database key into a set of database IDs. So if there are a set of db keys, then it creates equivalent number of set of IDs. In case of extensible match, the final candidate list of database ID is the intersection of the sets of db IDs.
In the final phase of the search, before returning a given entry, the matching rule is called to verify if filter component matches the entry.
The plugin init function inchain_init, registers the matching rules (via syntax_register_matching_rule_plugins) via the names/alias inchainMatch and 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941. A consequence is that the “In chain” matching rule is added to the supported matching rules in the schema.
The new matching rule is defined in ldap/servers/plugins/syntaxes/inchain.c.
Regarding mr_plugin_def structure, in chain matching rule,
mr_values2keys is a callback that is responsible to build, from an assertion value of an extended match filter component, the set of keys that matches the assertion.
If the syntax of attributeType, is not DistinguishedName, then it returns NULL.
It returns the nsuniqueid of ancestors of assertion value. For example ‘(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=uid=foo,dc=example)’ returns the nsuniqueid of all groups where uid=foo,dc=example is a direct or indirect ‘member’. A nsuniqueid is a database key used to look up the nsuniqueid index.
To implement this, the function memberof_get_groups should be moved out from memberof.c and implemented into slapi-private function. This function should return either groupdn or nsuniqueids of the groups.
mr_values2keys calls memberof_get_groups and retrieves nsuniqueids of the groups that the target entry belongs to. We need a database key to retrieve, from an index, the database ID (entryid) of the group. The index nsuniqueids being faster that entryrdn, it is better to retrieve the nsuniqueids.
This is the callback responsible to verify that the entry matches the filter component. If direct candidate may match (i.e. a group with member ‘uid=foo’ has ‘member: uid=foo,dc=example’), indirect candidate will not match. So this callback has not the capacity to check the filter component.
So mr_filter_ava will always return SUCCESS (0).
TBC if it needs to be implemented or not
The In chain MR is define as a new syntax plugin
dn: cn=In Chain,cn=plugins,cn=config
objectclass: top
objectclass: nsSlapdPlugin
objectclass: extensibleObject
cn: In Chain
nsslapd-pluginpath: libsyntax-plugin
nsslapd-plugininitfunc: inchain_init
nsslapd-plugintype: syntax
nsslapd-pluginenabled: off
nsslapd-pluginshortcut-member: on
Use of this MR is restricted to uses having read access to
dn: oid=1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941,cn=features,cn=config
objectClass: top
objectClass: directoryServerFeature
oid: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941
cn: InChain Matching Rule
Those two entries are present in templates: ldap/ldif/ and ldap/ldif/ To allow smooth upgrades, ldap/servers/slapd/upgrade.c will create those entries.
Because of the potential performance impact, this Matching Rule is not enabled by default and its uses is limited user allowed to read the entry oid=1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941,cn=features,cn=config. see (limitations)
It exists in memberof plugin, a function that returns for a given target entry, all the direct and indirect groups that the target entry is member of.
This function is moved out of memberof plugin to be added as a slapi private function. The function, and all the sub-functions it depends on, are moved servers/slapd/membership.c.
typedef struct Xmemberofconfig
char **groupattrs; /* ie 'member, uniquemember': attributes that are followed to retrieve direct
* and indirect members
char *memberof_attr; /* like 'memberof': attribute to be added in the target entry */
int allBackends;
Slapi_DN **entryScopes; /* to resctict membership to a set of subtrees */
int entryScopeCount;
Slapi_DN **entryScopeExcludeSubtrees; /* to exclude some subtrees */
int entryExcludeScopeCount;
Slapi_Filter *group_filter;
Slapi_Attr **group_slapiattrs;
int skip_nested;
int fixup_task;
char *auto_add_oc; /* used in fixup task */
PLHashTable *ancestors_cache; /* caches to improve the perf and check loops */
PLHashTable *fixup_cache;
} MemberOfConfig;
This function uses a complex configuration structure, that is preserved. Note that this function, retrieves membership groups but also update the target entry, adding the ‘memberof: group’ when it is missing. This second part (fixup) is useless for mr_values2keys, the new function should have a toggle to decide if the ‘fixup’ part is needed or not.
This function is reponsible of enforcing access control, so that if the bound use has not access to some entries or membership attributes in the entries then the links are not followed. This function will basically behave like deref_check_access is doing.
RFE #5156 is taking care of that move.
An exstensible search using InChain MR with member link attribute, expects to retrieves all the groups a specific user belongs to.
- (member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=uid=foo,dc=com) # all direct or indirect groups, 'foo' is member of
In case memberof plugin is enabled, the entry uid=foo contains ‘memberof’ attribute with all the groups it belongs to. In such case, using the ‘memberof’ value of ‘uid=foo’ is a shortcut compare to reevaluated memberof_get_groups for the ‘uid=foo’ entry. It is a pre-computed and stored attribute that ‘InChain’ can take benefit of.
This approach has a limitation regarding the access control. For example if we have the following request/setting
ldapsearch -D "uid=requestor,ou=people,dc=com" -W -b "cn=com" "(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=uid=foo,dc=com)" dn
/* uid=requestor has access to following entries/attr except G1 */
dn: G0
member: G1
dn: G1 /* uid=requestor has NOT access to that entry */
member: G2 /* uid=requestor has NOT access to that entry */
dn: G2
member: foo
dn: foo
memberof: G0
memberof: G1
memberof: G2
If InChain MR uses the shortcut ‘memberof’ attribute (that does not enforce ACI), the result of the ldapsearch is: G2, G1 and G0.
If InChain MR calls memberof_get_groups, the result is: G2. Indeed ACI enforcement will allow the retrieval of G2. But G1 being denied, it is not returned and as a consequence neither G0 (G0 is kind of being hidden by G1).
A large set of deployments, grants search/read access rights to group membership attribute. Any bound user being allowed to see group membership of any other user. In such case, using the shortcut is valid. In others deployment, ‘memberof shortcut will be disabled and group membership will go through memberof_get_groups and ACI enforcement.
To toggle those two modes the InChain plugin entry contains nsslapd-pluginshortcut-member. Whose value is on by default. Being on, InChain plugin will use ‘memberof’ attribute, else it will compute the groups that ‘foo’ is memberof.
The filter component is used to build a candidate list and then to verify that selected candidates really match the filter component.
When evaluating an extensible filter (see filterindex.c:extensible_candidate) with 1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941, the In chain callback returns (SLAPI_PLUGIN_MR_KEYS) the set of database keys (nsuniqueid) that match the direct/nested assertion equality test.
The nsuniqueid index is then lookup (indextype_EQUALITY) to get for each key (nsuniqueid) the ID list. For a given nsuniqueid, the ID list contains one ID. The set of database keys (nsuniqueid) is then translated into a ID list that is the union (idl_union) of the corresponding ID of each nsuniqueid.
Because such matching rule is expensive to compute, it is not enable by default. To enable it you need to run dsconf instance schema matchingrules enable inChainMatch and dsctl instance restart. Another option is to enable the MR by default but add a config parameter dsconf instance config replace nsslapd-inchainmatch-enabled=on.
The use of the inChain matching rule, is limited to bound user having SLAPI_ACL_READ access to the entry oid=1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941,cn=features,cn=config (similarly to sync_feature_allowed). If any users is allowed to use this MR just ADD the following ACI to aci: (targetattr != “aci”)(version 3.0; acl “InChain Matching Rule”; allow( read, search ) userdn = “ldap:///all”;)
For performance reasons, the membership attribute used in the InChain matching rule must be indexed. This can be tested with a new slapi-private function that export is_indexed.
4678 and 1974236
user releated searches
group releated searches