MemberOf Plugin Shared Configuration


The MemberOf Plugin configuration can now be stored in a shared configuration entry that can exist outside of the cn=config suffix. This means that the plugin configuratin can be stored in any backend or suffix. This allows for the plugin configuration to be replicated to other servers so that all the replication servers use the same configuation.

Use Cases

Use replication to handle plugin configuration consistency on a network. This is very useful for large deployments, because if the plugin configuration is replicated you only need to update the configuration on a supplier replication server, and the change will replicate to all the other servers. This makes plugin management in a replicated environment much easier.


dn: cn=MemberOf Plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config
objectClass: top
objectClass: nsSlapdPlugin
objectClass: extensibleObject
cn: MemberOf Plugin
nsslapd-pluginPath: libmemberof-plugin
nsslapd-pluginInitfunc: memberof_postop_init
nsslapd-pluginType: postoperation
nsslapd-pluginEnabled: on
nsslapd-plugin-depends-on-type: database
memberofgroupattr: member
memberofattr: memberOf
nsslapd-pluginConfigArea: cn=MemberOf Plugin Configuration,dc=example,dc=com

If nsslapd-pluginConfigArea is set, the configuration in the plugin entry is ignored, and the configuration attributes in the entry specified by nsslapd-pluginConfigArea are used.

dn: cn=MemberOf Plugin Configuration,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: extensibleObject
cn: MemberOf Plugin Configuration
memberofgroupattr: uniquemember
memberofattr: memberOf

So in this case the MemberOf Plugin is going to use uniquemember for the group attribute, and not member.

In a replicated environment, all you have to do is set the nsslapd-pluginConfigArea to the same DN/entry on all the replica’s plugin entry, and then replication will handle all the future configuration changes.


In the plugin entry, a shared config entry can be specified using “nsslapd-pluginConfigArea: <entry DN>“. This entry is validated when the plugin is started, or if using dynamic plugins, it is validated when the plugin is updated, and rejected if the entry does not exist or the entry has an invalid configuration.

The following configuration attributes can be used in the shared config entry:

Configuration Attribute Value Example
memberOfAttr Attribute Name memberOf
memberOfGroupAttr Attribute Name uniqueMember
memberOfAllBackends on|off off
memberOfEntryScope Entry DN ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
memberOfSkipNested on|off on
memberOfEntryScopeExcludeSubtree Entry DN ou=other,dc=example,dc=com

“memberOfAttr” and “memberOfGroupAttr” are required configuration attributes.



Feature Management


Major configuration options and enablement

The attribute nsslapd-pluginConfigArea can now be used in the plugin entry to specify the location of the configuration.


Configuration can now be replicated.

Updates and Upgrades

No impact.



External Impact

No impact.

RFE Author

Mark Reynolds

Last modified on 2 April 2024