Password Expiration Controls


When authenticating/binding against the server, and your password is expired, is about to expire, or it needs to be reset, the server can return two types of controls: “expired/expiring” control, and an optional bind response control if requested by the client. The expired/expiring controls just indicate that the password is expired, or it is about to expire. The bind response control contains more detailed information about the state of the password that is expired or expiring.

This document applies to later versions of 389-ds-base-1.3.6 and up. Older versions do not send the EXPIRED control during grace logins.

Server Configuration and Process

A client issues a bind. If a valid password is used then the server checks if that password is expired, or if it is about to expire(expiring). In such a case the server will return the Expired or Expiring Control, and if requested the bind response control with more detailed information. There are several configuration settings that impact the behavior of password expiration:

The Password Policy Request/Response Control:

This is the control the client sends to the server to request password expiration information. This is the same control that is returned to the client during the “bind response”. Below is the control that is returned to the client:

PasswordPolicyResponseValue ::= SEQUENCE {
    warning   [0] CHOICE OPTIONAL {
        timeBeforeExpiration  [0] INTEGER (0 .. maxInt),
        graceLoginsRemaining  [1] INTEGER (0 .. maxInt) }
    error     [1] ENUMERATED OPTIONAL {
        passwordExpired       (0),
        accountLocked         (1),
        changeAfterReset      (2),
        passwordModNotAllowed (3),
        mustSupplyOldPassword (4),
        invalidPasswordSyntax (5),
        passwordTooShort      (6),
        passwordTooYoung      (7),
        passwordInHistory     (8) } }

If you are using ldapsearch, you can use this option to request this control: -e ppolicy

The Expired/Expiring Controls

These controls are always returned to the client. They do not have to be requested.

2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.4 - EXPIRED CONTROL
2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.5 - EXPIRING CONTROL

Expired Control

The expired control (2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.4) is sent under the following circumstances:

Expiring Control

The expiring control (2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.5) is sent under the following circumstances:


Here are some examples using ldapsearch. With ldapsearch you use a built option for requesting the password policy controls: “-e ppolicy”.

Although these examples use ldapsearch, it is the BIND op, not the SEARCH op, that triggers the controls sent by the server.


This example shows the expiring and response control in action

$ ldapsearch -D "uid=mreynolds,dc=example,dc=com" -xLLL  -w myTestPassword1 -b "" -s base -e ppolicy
ldap_bind: Success (0) (Password expires in 110 seconds)


This is a typical expired password example

$ ldapsearch -D "uid=mreynolds,dc=example,dc=com" -xLLL  -w myTestPassword1 -b "" -s base -e ppolicy
ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49); Password expired
    additional info: password expired!

Expired password, but remaining grace logins

This shows a sequence of binds showing grace logins in action

$ ldapsearch -D "uid=mreynolds,dc=example,dc=com" -xLLL  -w myTestPassword1 -b "" -s base -e ppolicy
ldap_bind: Success (0); Password expired (Password expired, 1 grace logins remain)

$ ldapsearch -D "uid=mreynolds,dc=example,dc=com" -xLLL  -w myTestPassword1 -b "" -s base -e ppolicy
ldap_bind: Success (0); Password expired (Password expired, 0 grace logins remain)

$ ldapsearch -D "uid=mreynolds,dc=example,dc=com" -xLLL  -w myTestPassword1 -b "" -s base -e ppolicy
ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49); Password expired
    additional info: password expired!

Password reset, user must change password

This example shows when Directory Manager, or a Password Admin, resets someone’s password, and passwordMustChange is set to on.

ldapsearch -D "uid=mreynolds,dc=example,dc=com" -xLLL  -w myTestPassword1 -b "" -s base -e ppolicy
ldap_bind: Success (0); Password must be changed (Password expires in 0 seconds)
Server is unwilling to perform (53)

This is a really a bind and search. So the bind was successful, but performing a search is not allowed (error 53) until the password is reset by the user.

Last modified on 29 November 2024