Red Hat/389 Directory Server has not supported moving subtree to the new superior (1) nor renaming an RDN which has subordinates (2). These features have been requested by internal and external customers. 1) Moving subtree to a new superior
$ ldapmodify -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password
dn: uid=VLeBaron, ou=Payroll, l=France, dc=example, dc=com
changetype: modrdn
newrdn: uid=VLeBaron
deleteoldrdn: 0
newsuperior: ou=Accounting, l=France, dc=example, dc=com
modifying RDN of entry uid=VLeBaron, ou=Payroll, l=France, dc=example, dc=com and/or moving it beneath a new parent
ldap_rename: DSA is unwilling to perform
ldap_rename: additional info: server does not support moving of entries
2) Renaming non-leaf entry
$ ldapmodify -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password
dn: ou=Payroll, l=France, dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modrdn
newrdn: ou=Finance
deleteoldrdn: 0
modifying RDN of entry ou= Finance, l=France, dc=example,dc=com
ldap_rename: Operation not allowed on nonleaf
In the current implementation, the backend db stores full DN as a string in the primary db file (id2entry.db4):
# dn: preserves what users input
dn: ou=Accounting,dc=example,dc=com
# entrydn: normalized dn, which matches the key of the entrydn index
entrydn: ou=accounting,dc=example,dc=com
as well as in the entrydn index file (entrydn.db4):
# normalized dn: equality indexed entry id
=ou=accounting,dc=example,dc=com 2
Having these full DN strings in each entry and index key, moving a subtree / renaming a non-leaf entry would be costly since every single entry and index key which are affected need to be modified. To solve the problem, entries in the primary db file could have just the RDN (not having entrydn attribute) and instead of using entrydn as a key to look up the entry id, creating a special tree structured index file. We call the index file entryrdn.
In the configuration file dse.ldif, the backend configuration entry “cn=config,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config” has a switch “nsslapd-subtree-rename-switch” as follows:
dn: cn=config,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config
nsslapd-subtree-rename-switch: on
If the value is on, the entryrdn index is generated and used instead of entrydn. If off, the entrydn index is used. When the server starts up it checks the existence of the index files and the value of nsslapd-subtree-rename-switch. If they mismatch, the server logs an error and does not start.
nsslapd-subtree-rename-switch: on and the entryrdn.db4 does not exist:
nsslapd-subtree-rename-switch is on, while the instance <inst_name> is in the DN format.
Please run dn2rdn to convert the database format.
nsslapd-subtree-rename-switch: off and the entrydn.db4 does not exist:
nsslapd-subtree-rename-switch is off, while the instance <inst_name> is in the RDN format.
Please change the value to on in dse.ldif.
An utility dn2rdn is provided to convert entrydn to entryrdn. See below.
All the codes related to this subtree-rename change are supposed to be in the if clause that entry_get_switch() is true as follows:
if (entryrdn_get_switch()) {
subtree-rename related code
Entryrdn index file stores the double linked tree structure. Operations such as subtree move and rename non-leaf node is done by updating the links. The index provides the way to get the entry id from the full DN, look up full DN with RDN and entry id, and so on.
Here is the sample tree in the server:
dn: dc=example,dc=com
dn: cn=Directory Administrators,dc=example,dc=com
dn: ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
dn: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
dn: cn=Accounting Managers,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
dn: uid=tuser0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
The index is stored in the index file called entryrdn.db4:
The contents of the file looks like this (This is the output from the dbscan utility – explained later):
ID: 1; RDN: "dc=example,dc=com"; NRDN: "dc=example,dc=com"
ID: 2; RDN: "cn=Directory Administrators"; NRDN: "cn=directory administrators"
2:cn=directory administrators
ID: 2; RDN: "cn=Directory Administrators"; NRDN: "cn=directory administrators"
P2:cn=directory administrators
ID: 1; RDN: "dc=example,dc=com"; NRDN: "dc=example,dc=com"
ID: 3; RDN: "ou=Groups"; NRDN: "ou=groups"
ID: 3; RDN: "ou=Groups"; NRDN: "ou=groups"
ID: 1; RDN: "dc=example,dc=com"; NRDN: "dc=example,dc=com"
ID: 6; RDN: "cn=Accounting Managers"; NRDN: "cn=accounting managers"
6:cn=accounting managers
ID: 6; RDN: "cn=Accounting Managers"; NRDN: "cn=accounting managers"
P6:cn=accounting managers
ID: 3; RDN: "ou=Groups"; NRDN: "ou=groups"
ID: 4; RDN: "ou=People"; NRDN: "ou=people"
ID: 4; RDN: "ou=People"; NRDN: "ou=people"
ID: 1; RDN: "dc=example,dc=com"; NRDN: "dc=example,dc=com"
ID: 10; RDN: "uid=tuser0"; NRDN: "uid=tuser0"
ID: 10; RDN: "uid=tuser0"; NRDN: "uid=tuser0"
ID: 4; RDN: "ou=People"; NRDN: "ou=people"
There are 3 kinds of keys: Self, Child and Parent. Self key is a string made from entry id and RDN separated by ‘:’ “entry_id:rdn”. The value for the key is “rdn_elem” (shown below), which is made from the entry_id, RDN and normalized RDN. In this doc, the self key-value pair is called self link. This is a self link example:
ID: 4; RDN: "ou=People"; NRDN: "ou=people"
Suffix (dc=example,dc=com, in this example) is an exception. It does not have “entry_id:” part in the key to distinguish it from the rest of the keys.
Child key is a string starting with the character ‘C’ followed by “entry_id:rdn”. The value is “rdn_elem” which stores the child’s entry_id, RDN and normalized RDN. There could be as many children as needed. In this doc, the Child key-value pair is called child link. This is a child link example.
ID: 10; RDN: "uid=tuser0"; NRDN: "uid=tuser0"
Parent key is a string starting with the character ‘P’ followed by “entry_id:rdn”. The value is “rdn_elem” which stores the parent’s entry_id, RDN and normalized RDN. There is only one parent per each entry. In this doc, the Parent key-value pair is called parent link. This is a parent link example.
ID: 1; RDN: "dc=example,dc=com"; NRDN: "dc=example,dc=com"
The entryrdn index is implemented in the file ldap/servers/slapd/back-ldbm/ldbm_entryrdn.c. The structure for the value (rdn_elem) is declared in the file.
typedef struct _rdn_elem {
char rdn_elem_id[sizeof(ID)];
char rdn_elem_nrdn_len[2]; /* ushort; length including '\0' */
char rdn_elem_rdn_len[2]; /* ushort; length including '\0' */
char rdn_elem_nrdn_rdn[1]; /* "normalized rdn" '\0' "rdn" '\0' */
} rdn_elem;
The entryrdn value stored in the entryrdn index is marshaled. And when retrieved from the index, the data is un-marshaled and passed to the caller. By marshaling, rdn_entry containing type ID and unsigned short in rdn_elem could be put at any location in the memory without causing any alignment problem. This is useful to use MULTIPLE read functionality in the Berkeley DB. To Marshall/unmarshal ID, id_internal_to_stored/id_stored_to_internal is used. To marshal/unmarshal rdn/nrdn lengths (dn_elem_rdn_len, rdn_elem_nrdn_len), similar helper functions sizeushort_internal_to_stored/sizeushort_stored_to_internal are introduced. (See also Bug 616608 - SIGBUS in RDN index reads on platforms with strict alignments).
Marshallng entryrdn data has been introduced since v1.2.6 rc6. If you upgrade from older v1.2.6 to v1.2.6 rc6 or newer, there will be an entryrdn index mismatch and it should be fixed as follows.
Check /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-ID/errors. It’d contain errors related to the entryrdn mismatches:
[..] - 389-Directory/1.2.6.rc6.VERSION BUILDINFO starting up
[..] - dn2entry: the dn ”dc=example,dc=com” was in the entryrdn index, but it did not exist in id2entry of instance userRoot.
[..] - dn2entry: the dn ”o=netscaperoot” was in the entryrdn index, but it did not exist in id2entry of instance NetscapeRoot.
Go to the DB instance directories and rename entryrdn.db4 as follows (repeat it on all the db instances):
# cd /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-ID/db/NetscapeRoot/
# mv entryrdn.db4 /safe/backup/dir/entryrdn.db4.bak
# cd /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-ID/db/usrRoot/
# mv entryrdn.db4 /safe/backup/dir/entryrdn.db4.bak
Export the contents of DBs (repeat it on all the db instances):
# cd /usr/lib[64]/dirsrv/slapd-ID
# ./db2ldif -n NetscapeRoot
Exported ldif file: /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-ID/ldif/ID-NetscapeRoot-DATE.ldif
# ./db2ldif -n userRoot
Exported ldif file: /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-ID/ldif/ID-userRoot-DATE.ldif
Import the exported ldif files (repeat it on all the DB instances):
# ./ldif2db -n NetscapeRoot -i /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-ID/ldif/ID-NetscapeRoot-DATE.ldif
# ./ldif2db -n userRoot -i /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-ID/ldif/ID-userRoot-DATE.ldif
Start the server
# ./start-slapd or service dirsrv start
void entryrdn_set_switch(int val);
This function entryrdn_set_switch sets the integer value val to entryrdn_switch, which is declared as a static variable in ldbm_entryrdn.c. If val is non-zero, the entryrdn index is used and moving subtree and/or renaming an RDN which has children is enabled. If val is zero, the entrydn index is used.
int entryrdn_get_switch();
This function entryrdn_get_switch gets the value of entry_switch. All the entryrdn related codes are supposed to be in the if (entryrdn_get_switch()) clauses.
int entryrdn_compare_dups(DB *db, const DBT *a, const DBT *b);
This function entryrdn_compare_dups is passed to the Berkeley DB library and used to sort the duplicated values under the same key. The child links in the entryrdn has a key “C##:normalized_rdn” (e.g., “C5:ou=people”) and all the children under ou=people are stored as the values for the key. The values are sorted in the database using this compare function.
int entryrdn_index_entry(backend *be, struct backentry *e, int flags, back_txn *txn);
This function entryrdn_index_entry adds/deletes links (self, child, and parent) associated with the given entry e depending upon the flags (BE_INDEX_ADD or BE_INDEX_DEL). ADD: It starts from the suffix in the entryrdn index following the child links to the bottom. If the target leaf node does not exist, the nodes (the child link of the parent node and the self link) are added. DEL: It checks the existence of the target self link (key entry_id:RDN; value entry_id,RDN,normalized RDN) in the entryrdn index. If it exists and it does not have child links, then it deletes the parent’s child link and the self link.
int entryrdn_index_read(backend *be, const Slapi_DN *sdn, ID *id, back_txn *txn);
This function entryrdn_index_read finds out the entry_id of the given DN sdn. It starts from the suffix in the entryrdn index following the child links to the bottom. If it is successful, the entry_is of the target node is set to the address that the argument id points to.
int entryrdn_rename_subtree(backend *be, const Slapi_DN *oldsdn, Slapi_RDN *newsrdn, const Slapi_DN *newsupsdn, ID id, back_txn *txn);
This function entryrdn_rename_subtree renames and/or moves the given subtree. The second argument oldsdn is the DN to be moved/renamed. In the modrdn operation, the value of newrdn is set to this third argument newsrdn. If the new RDN is not the same as the leaf RDN in the original DN oldsdn, the original RDN is renamed to the new RDN. If the newsuperior is set in the modrdn operation, the value is set to the fourth argument newsupsdn. If the value is non-zero, the original leaf RDN is moved under the new superior relinking the parent and child links.
int entryrdn_get_subordinates(backend *be, const Slapi_DN *sdn, ID id, IDList **subordinates, back_txn *txn);
This function entryrdn_get_subordinates gathers the entry_ids of the subordinates of the given DN sdn which entry_id is id. It returns them in the ID list format. The output ID list subordinates include the direct children as well as the indirect subordinates.
int entryrdn_lookup_dn(backend *be, const char *rdn, ID id, char **dn, back_txn *txn);
This function entryrdn_lookup_dn generates and returns the DN dn from the RDN rdn and its entry_id id by looking up the entryrdn index.
int entryrdn_get_parent(backend *be, const char *rdn, ID id, char **prdn, ID *pid, back_txn *txn);
This function entryrdn_get_parent finds out and returns the parent’s RDN prdn and entry_id pid from the RDN rdn and its entry_id id.
Slapi_Entry is defined as “struct slapi_entry” in slap.h. The following field is added to store the RDN of the entry. “struct slapi_rdn” is typedef’ed to Slapi_RDN.
struct slapi_rdn e_srdn; /* RDN of this entry */
Slapi_RDN/struct slapi_rdn has been also modified to support processing entryrdn. It could hold the array of RDNs and normalized RDNs, which are corresponding to DN and normalized DN. Order of the array is the same as in DN. (Leaf RDN is at the index 0 of the array and the suffix is at the last of the array.) Note that if the suffix include ‘,’ in it (e.g., dc=example,dc=com), it’s correctly handled by querying to the mapping tree module.
struct slapi_rdn
unsigned char flag;
char *rdn;
char **rdns; /* Valid when FLAG_RDNS is set. */
int butcheredupto; /* How far through rdns we've gone converting '=' to
+ char *nrdn; /* normalized rdn */
+ char **all_rdns; /* Valid when FLAG_ALL_RDNS is set. */
+ char **all_nrdns; /* Valid when FLAG_ALL_NRDNS is set. */
The id2entry layer (back-ldbm/id2entry.c) with slapi_entry2str/str2entry is one of the main places that absorbs the entryrdn changes. The Berkeley DB database stores the entries only with the RDN in the primary db file (id2entry.db4). When an entry is read from the primary database, the non-formatted data includes the RDN and the entry id. (On the other hand, it contains the full DN in the previous implementation.) The id2entry looks up the entryrdn index with the RDN and the entry id (calling entryrdn_lookup_dn) and get the full DN. The returned DN is set to the entry (Slapi_Entry). Once it’s set, the entry has no difference from the ones in the previous implementation. Thus, layers above the id2entry layer could remain the same.
The API slapi_entry2str_with_options is used to generate the non formatted data to store in the database (see id2entry_add_ext in back-ldbm/id2entry.c). A flag SLAPI_DUMP_RDN_ENTRY was added to generate a non-formatted data that only contains RDN. The data is stored in the primary database (id2entry.db4).
To convert the non-formatted data to the Slapi_Entry formatted entry, an API slapi_str2entry_ext was added. The API takes DN in addition to the non-formatted entry data and creates Slapi_Entry. To get DN, first the DN cache is examined. If it’s no in the cache, it looks up the entryrdn index using an API entryrdn_lookup_dn (see id2entry in back-ldbm/id2entry.c).
Since creating a full DN from an RDN and its entry_id is an expensive operation, a DN cache is prepared. It uses the same cache APIs and hash algorithm that the entry cache depends upon. The entry cache caches the “struct backentry”, while the dn cache caches the “struct backdn”. Both structures must start with the same fields as the backcommon structure. The first field ep_type is used to specify the item is an entry or a dn. The entry cache is made from an entry_id hash table, a DN hash table, and additionally a UUID hash table. On the other hand, the DN cache only uses an ID hash table – an entry_id is given and the corresponding DN is returned. When a DN is returned from the DN cache, it is not supposed to refer by the address, but to duplicate and refer the copy. The DN extracted from the DN cache by dncache_find_id should be returned to the cache by CACHE_RETURN immediately and the memory management should be left to the LRU algorithm in the cache module.
The utilities db2ldif and export the contents of the database. The exported ldif file should be able to import back to the server. When the server did not support the subtree move in the previous implementation, there was a implicit rule that a parent entry’s entry_id was less than the child’s entry_id since when an entry was added, ancestor entries had to be in the database. Otherwise, the add operation failed. We cannot expect the rule is correct, any more.
Here is an example. We have one user and two organizational units under the suffix (all has parentid: 1).
$ dbscan -f id2entry.db4
id 1007
rdn: uid=tuser0
uid: tuser0
parentid: 1
entryid: 1007
id 1008
rdn: ou=sub ou0
ou: sub ou0
parentid: 1
entryid: 1008
id 1009
rdn: ou=test ou0
ou: test ou0
parentid: 1
entryid: 1009
Move ou=sub ou0 under ou=test ou0
$ ldapmodify -D 'cn=directory manager' -w password
dn: ou=sub ou0,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modrdn
newrdn: ou=sub ou0
deleteoldrdn: 0
newsuperior: ou=test ou0,dc=example,dc=com
modifying RDN of entry ou=sub ou0,dc=example,dc=com and/or moving it beneath a new parent
Move uid=tuser0,dc=example,dc=com under ou=sub ou0.
dn: uid=tuser0,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modrdn
newrdn: uid=tuser0
deleteoldrdn: 0
newsuperior: ou=sub ou0,ou=test ou0,dc=example,dc=com
modifying RDN of entry uid=tuser0,dc=example,dc=com and/or moving it beneath a new parent
Now the contents of the primary db id2entry.db4 have been modified as followed:
$ ldapsearch -b "ou=test ou0,dc=example,dc=com" "(objectclass=*)" dn
dn: uid=tuser0,ou=sub ou0,ou=test ou0,dc=example,dc=com
dn: ou=sub ou0,ou=test ou0,dc=example,dc=com
dn: ou=test ou0,dc=example,dc=com
If these entries are exported in this order, the ldif file cannot be used to import since when importing uid=tuser0, the parent (and its parent) are not in the database yet. The utility db2ldif and checks whether the parent’s entry id is greater than the being exported entry id. If it is larger, then export the parents before the child.
$ ./db2ldif -n userRoot
# entry-id: 1009
dn: ou=test ou0,dc=example,dc=com
ou: test ou0
# entry-id: 1008
dn: ou=sub ou0,ou=test ou0,dc=example,dc=com
ou: sub ou0
# entry-id: 1007
dn: uid=tuser0,ou=sub ou0,ou=test ou0,dc=example,dc=com
uid: tuser0
The exported ldif file has no problem to be used for the import:
$ ./ldif2db -n userRoot -i /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-ID/ldif/ID-userRoot-2010_01_12_105433.ldif
Once reimported, the order of the entry id’s is adjusted and children are placed after their parents.
$ dbscan -f id2entry.db4
id 1007
rdn: ou=test ou0
entryid: 1007
id 1008
rdn: ou=sub ou0
parentid: 1007
entryid: 1008
id 1009
rdn: uid=tuser0
parentid: 1008
entryid: 1009
There is another requirement for db2ldif, which is the utility should be able to export without a help from the secondary indexes. In this implementation, each entry in the primary db id2entry.db4 does not have the full DN but just the RDN. The full DN is normally extracted from the entryrdn index. To support the case when the index is corrupted, db2ldif is coded to work with as well as without the entryrdn. If the entryrdn is not available, it uses the parentid in the entry to find out the parent entry. (Note: It should be much slower than using entryrdn.)
# mv /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-ID/db/userRoot/entryrdn.db4 /tmp
# ./db2ldif -n userRoot
Exported ldif file: /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-ID/ldif/ID-userRoot-2010_01_12_111319.ldif
ldiffile: /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-ID/ldif/ID-userRoot-2010_01_12_111319.ldif
[12/Jan/2010:11:13:19 -0800] - export userRoot: Processed 1009 entries (100%).
[12/Jan/2010:11:13:19 -0800] - All database threads now stopped
The reindex utilities db2index and share the same issues – parents may be located after the children in the db, and the entryrdn index cannot be used to reindex itself. The same technique used by db2ldif(.pl) is shared with db2index(.pl), which allows the utilities to reindex even if the parents’ entry id is greater than the children’s. Also, if the entryrdn index is corrupted, it could be recreated.
$ mv /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-ID/db/userRoot/entryrdn.db4 /tmp
$ ./db2index -n userRoot -t entryrdn
[12/Jan/2010:11:26:10 -0800] - userRoot: Indexed 1000 entries (99%).
[12/Jan/2010:11:26:10 -0800] - userRoot: Finished indexing.
[12/Jan/2010:11:26:10 -0800] - All database threads now stopped
$ dbscan -f entryrdn.db4 -k "1007:ou=test ou0"
1007:ou=test ou0
ID: 1007; RDN: "ou=test ou0"; NRDN: "ou=test ou0"
C1007:ou=test ou0
ID: 1008; RDN: "ou=sub ou0"; NRDN: "ou=sub ou0"
1008:ou=sub ou0
ID: 1008; RDN: "ou=sub ou0"; NRDN: "ou=sub ou0"
P1008:ou=sub ou0
ID: 1007; RDN: "ou=test ou0"; NRDN: "ou=test ou0"
C1008:ou=sub ou0
ID: 1009; RDN: "uid=tuser0"; NRDN: "uid=tuser0"
ID: 1009; RDN: "uid=tuser0"; NRDN: "uid=tuser0"
ID: 1008; RDN: "ou=sub ou0"; NRDN: "ou=sub ou0"
The db dump utility dbscan is extended to support the entryrdn index format. If just “-f entryrdn.db4” is given, the key value pairs are printed out in the order stored in the index file.
# dbscan -f * /path_to/ * entryrdn.db4
ID: 10; RDN: "uid=tuser0"; NRDN: "uid=tuser0"
2:cn=directory administrators
ID: 2; RDN: "cn=Directory Administrators"; NRDN: "cn=directory administrators"
ID: 3; RDN: "ou=Groups"; NRDN: "ou=groups"
If -k top_key is added to it, the tree structure is printed starting from the top_key.
top_key is the suffix:
# dbscan -f * /path_to * /entryrdn.db4 -r -n -k "dc=example,dc=com"
ID: 1; RDN: "dc=example,dc=com"; NRDN: "dc=example,dc=com"
ID: 2; RDN: "cn=Directory Administrators"; NRDN: "cn=directory administrators"
2:cn=directory administrators
ID: 2; RDN: "cn=Directory Administrators"; NRDN: "cn=directory administrators"
P2:cn=directory administrators
ID: 1; RDN: "dc=example,dc=com"; NRDN: "dc=example,dc=com"
ID: 3; RDN: "ou=Groups"; NRDN: "ou=groups"
top_key is a non-leaf node: (note: you have to include the “entry_id:” string in the top_key for the non-suffix RDN.)
# dbscan -f * /path_to * /entryrdn.db4 -r -n -k "4:ou=people"
ID: 4; RDN: "ou=People"; NRDN: "ou=people"
ID: 10; RDN: "uid=tuser0"; NRDN: "uid=tuser0"
ID: 10; RDN: "uid=tuser0"; NRDN: "uid=tuser0"
ID: 4; RDN: "ou=People"; NRDN: "ou=people"
The utility dn2rdn converts the full DN formatted id2entry.db4 + entrydn index into the RDN formatted id2entry.db4 + entryrdn index.
$ ls /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-ID/db/userRoot/entry*
$ dbscan -f /path/to/id2entry.db4
id 1
dn: dc=example,dc=com
id 2
dn: ou=Accounting,dc=example,dc=com
id 3
dn: ou=Product Development,dc=example,dc=com
Turn on nsslapd-subtree-rename-switch:
dn: cn=config,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config
nsslapd-subtree-rename-switch: on
Run dn2rdn.
$ /usr/lib{64}/dirsrv/slapd-ID/dn2rdn
$ ls /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-ID/db/userRoot/entry*
$ dbscan -f /path/to/id2entry.db4
id 1
rdn: dc=example,dc=com
id 2
rdn: ou=Accounting
id 3
rdn: ou=Product Development
The index ancestorid stores the information which could be replaced with the entryrdn. A non-public configuration parameter nsslapd-noancestorid is introduced to compare the pros and cons. Here is the quick comparison. Without the ancestorid, import and add are slightly faster. But the search before the cache is warmed up shows the significant performance degradation. Thus, I concluded that keeping the ancestorid index is preferable.
import 10k entries
with ancestorid (nsslapd-noancestorid: off)
real 0m6.970s
user 0m14.901s
sys 0m0.611s
no ancestorid (nsslapd-noancestorid: on)
real 0m6.861s
user 0m14.956s
sys 0m0.617s
add 10k entries [cmdline: ldapmodify -a -f <add_file>"]
with ancestorid (nsslapd-noancestorid: off)
real 3m8.513s
user 0m0.754s
sys 0m0.241s
no ancestorid (nsslapd-noancestorid: on)
real 2m58.401s
user 0m0.714s
sys 0m0.226s
Random search using rsearch [cmdline: rsearch -p 10389 -s "dc=example,dc=com" -i <uid_file> -f "(uid=%s)"]
with ancestorid (nsslapd-noancestorid: off)
20091217 13:47:11 - Rate: 25269.00/thr (2526.90/sec = 0.3957ms/op), total: 25269 (1 thr)
20091217 13:47:21 - Rate: 27728.00/thr (2772.80/sec = 0.3606ms/op), total: 27728 (1 thr)
20091217 13:47:31 - Rate: 27320.00/thr (2732.00/sec = 0.3660ms/op), total: 27320 (1 thr)
20091217 13:47:41 - Rate: 27173.00/thr (2717.30/sec = 0.3680ms/op), total: 27173 (1 thr)
20091217 13:47:51 - Rate: 26688.00/thr (2668.80/sec = 0.3747ms/op), total: 26688 (1 thr)
no ancestorid (nsslapd-noancestorid: on)
20091217 13:54:59 - Rate: 23543.00/thr (2354.30/sec = 0.4248ms/op), total: 23543 (1 thr)
20091217 13:55:09 - Rate: 27787.00/thr (2778.70/sec = 0.3599ms/op), total: 27787 (1 thr)
20091217 13:55:19 - Rate: 27403.00/thr (2740.30/sec = 0.3649ms/op), total: 27403 (1 thr)
20091217 13:55:29 - Rate: 27117.00/thr (2711.70/sec = 0.3688ms/op), total: 27117 (1 thr)
20091217 13:55:39 - Rate: 26804.00/thr (2680.40/sec = 0.3731ms/op), total: 26804 (1 thr)
The 389 server is run with valgrind to guarantee for the server not to have memory leaks. The tool sometimes reports warnings related to “uninitialized value(s)” as follows:
==4374== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialized value(s)
==4374== at 0x88A8E61: __log_putr (log_put.c:731)
==4374== by 0x88A87CD: __log_put_next (log_put.c:463)
==4374== by 0x88A7EFF: __log_put (log_put.c:160)
==4374== by 0x883FFBC: __db_addrem_log (db_auto.c:257)
==4374== by 0x88598C2: __db_pitem (db_dup.c:130)
==4374== by 0x8774B50: __bam_iitem (bt_put.c:376)
==4374== by 0x876D8BD: __bamc_put (bt_cursor.c:1960)
==4374== by 0x8850B1C: __dbc_put (db_cam.c:1520)
==4374== by 0x8860B7B: __dbc_put_pp (db_iface.c:2456)
These warnings are benign. Here is a comment from a Berkeley DB support: “There’s nothing serious about these warnings. Those uninitialized byes are for padding purposes. Please see the “–enable-umrw” build option for the Berkeley DB libraries: and use it when building the libraries to avoid seeing these errors.”
See also (�).
Bug 171338 - Enhancement: winsync modrdn not synced Bug 557224 - subtree rename breaks the referential integrity plug-in Bug 570107 - The import of LDIFs with base-64 encoded DNs fails, modrdn with non-ASCII new rdn incorrect Bug 578296 - Attribute type entrydn needs to be added when subtree rename switch is on Bug 616608 - SIGBUS in RDN index reads on platforms with strict alignments
. Performance measurement . Evaluate parentid and numsubordinate indexes