Windows Sync Plugin API Design


The windows sync feature of 389 provides several plugin points. This allows plugins to

Plugins must provide an init function. This init function may optionally return an opaque cookie to the winsync plugin framework. This cookie will be passed to all winsync plugins.

The include file winsync-plugin.h declares the public API. That file also provides example code including stubs for all plugin functions described below.

Version 1 API functions


typedef void * (*winsync_plugin_init_cb)(const Slapi_DN *ds_subtree, const Slapi_DN *ad_subtree);    

This callback is called when a winsync agreement is created. The ds_subtree and ad_subtree from the agreement are read-only. The callback can allocate some private data to return as the return value of the function. If so, the plug-in must define a winsync_plugin_destroy_agmt_cb so that the private data can be freed. This private data is passed to every other callback function as the void *cookie argument.


typedef void (*winsync_search_params_cb)(void *cookie, const char *agmt_dn, char **base,    
                                         int *scope, char **filter, char ***attrs,    
                                         LDAPControl ***serverctrls);    

The four callbacks of this type are


This allows the plug-in to change the AD DirSync search request parameters. The serverctrls will already contain the dirsync control.


This allows the plug-in to change the other AD search request parameters.


This allows the plug-in to change the search params when the winsync code does an internal search to get a local entry.


This allows the plug-in to change the search params when the winsync code does an internal search to get all of the local entries to be sync’ed.

winsync code will use slapi_ch_free_string to free this value, so no static strings

attrs will be freed with slapi_ch_array_free, so caller must own the memory

serverctrls will be freed with ldap_controls_free, so caller must own memory


typedef void (*winsync_pre_mod_cb)(void *cookie, const Slapi_Entry *rawentry, Slapi_Entry *ad_entry,    
                                   Slapi_Entry *ds_entry, Slapi_Mods *smods, int *do_modify);    

These callbacks are the main entry points that allow the plug-in to intercept modifications to local and remote entries. The four callbacks of this type are


Called before an AD user entry is to be modified.


Called before an AD group entry is to be modified.


Called before a DS user entry is to be modified.


Called before a DS group entry is to be modified.


typedef void (*winsync_pre_add_cb)(void *cookie, const Slapi_Entry *rawentry, Slapi_Entry *ad_entry, Slapi_Entry *ds_entry);    

These callbacks are called when a new entry is being added to the local directory server from AD. The two callbacks of this type are


Called before an AD user entry is to be added to the DS.


Called before an AD group entry is to be added to the DS.


typedef void (*winsync_get_new_dn_cb)(void *cookie, const Slapi_Entry *rawentry,    
                                      Slapi_Entry *ad_entry, char **new_dn_string,    
                                      const Slapi_DN *ds_suffix, const Slapi_DN *ad_suffix);    

If a new entry has been added to AD, and we’re sync’ing it over to the DS, we may need to create a new DN for the entry. The code tries to come up with a reasonable DN, but the plug-in may have different ideas. These callbacks allow the plug-in to specify what the new DN for the new entry should be. This is called from map_entry_dn_inbound which is called from various places where the DN for the new entry is needed. The winsync_pre_add_* callbacks can also be used to set the DN just before the entry is stored in the DS. The get_new_dn_cb is also used when we are mapping a DN valued attribute e.g. owner or secretary. The two callbacks of this type are


Called to get a new user DN


Called to get a new group DN


typedef void (*winsync_pre_ad_mod_mods_cb)(void *cookie, const Slapi_Entry *rawentry,    
                                           const Slapi_DN *local_dn, const Slapi_Entry *ds_entry,    
                                           LDAPMod * const *origmods, Slapi_DN *remote_dn,    
                                           LDAPMod ***modstosend);    

These callbacks are called when a mod operation is going to be replayed to AD. This case is different than the pre add or pre mod callbacks above because in this context, we may only have the list of modifications and the DN to which the mods were applied. The two callbacks of this type are


Called before the mod operation is replayed to AD for a user entry.


Called before the mod operation is replayed to AD for a group entry.


typedef int (*winsync_can_add_to_ad_cb)(void *cookie, const Slapi_Entry *local_entry, const Slapi_DN *remote_dn);    

Callbacks used to determine if an entry should be added to the AD side if it does not already exist. Should return True to mean this entry should be added, or False otherwise. The one callback of this type is



typedef void (*winsync_plugin_update_cb)(void *cookie, const Slapi_DN *ds_subtree, const Slapi_DN *ad_subtree, int is_total);    

Callbacks called at begin and end of update. The ds subtree and the ad subtree from the sync agreement are passed in. These are read only. is_total will be true if this is a total update, or false if this is an incremental update. The two callbacks of this type are


Called when the update operation is beginning.


Called when the update operation is finished.


typedef void (*winsync_plugin_destroy_agmt_cb)(void *cookie, const Slapi_DN *ds_subtree, const Slapi_DN *ad_subtree);    

Callback called when the agreement is destroyed. The ds subtree and the ad subtree from the sync agreement are passed in. These are read only. The plugin must define this function to free the cookie allocated in the init function, if any. The one callback of this type is


Version 2 API functions

Version 2 of the API was added with 389-ds-base 1.2.11. NOTE - the post callbacks may change the result code, but doing this will not “rollback” successful operations, nor “retry” failed operations.

Version 2 provides the following additional functions:


typedef void (*winsync_post_mod_cb)(void *cookie, const Slapi_Entry *rawentry, Slapi_Entry *ad_entry,    
                                    Slapi_Entry *ds_entry, Slapi_Mods *smods, int *result);    

Callback called after a modify operation. Called upon both success and failure of the modify operation. The plugin is responsible for looking at the result code of the modify to decide what action to take. The plugin may change the result code e.g. to force an error for an otherwise successful operation, or to ignore certain errors.

The four callbacks of this type are


Called after an AD user entry has been modified.


Called after an AD group entry has been modified.


Called after a DS user entry has been modified.


Called after a DS group entry has been modified.


typedef void (*winsync_post_add_cb)(void *cookie, const Slapi_Entry *rawentry,    
                                    Slapi_Entry *ad_entry, Slapi_Entry *ds_entry, int *result);    

Callback called after an attempt to add a new entry to the local directory server from AD. Called upon success or failure of the add attempt. The result code tells if the operation succeeded or not. The plugin may change the result code e.g. to force an error for an otherwise successful operation, or to ignore certain errors. The two callbacks of this type are


Called after a DS user entry has been added from AD.


Called after a DS group entry has been added from AD.


typedef void (*winsync_pre_ad_add_cb)(void *cookie, Slapi_Entry *ds_entry, Slapi_Entry *ad_entry);    

These callbacks are called when a new entry is being added to AD from the local directory server. The two callbacks of this type are


Called before a user entry is added to AD


Called before a group entry is added to AD


typedef void (*winsync_post_ad_add_cb)(void *cookie, Slapi_Entry *ds_entry, Slapi_Entry *ad_entry, int *result);    

Callbacks called after an attempt to add a new entry to AD from the local directory server. Called upon success or failure of the add attempt. The result code tells if the operation succeeded. The plugin may change the result code e.g. to force an error for an otherwise successful operation, or to ignore certain errors. The two callbacks of this type are


Called after an attempt to add a user entry to AD.


Called after an attempt to add a group entry to AD.


typedef void (*winsync_post_ad_mod_mods_cb)(void *cookie, const Slapi_Entry *rawentry, const Slapi_DN *local_dn,    
                                            const Slapi_Entry *ds_entry, LDAPMod * const *origmods,    
                                            Slapi_DN *remote_dn, LDAPMod **modstosend, int *result);    

These callbacks are called after a mod operation has been replayed to AD. This case is different than the pre add or pre mod callbacks above because in this context, we may only have the list of modifications and the DN to which the mods were applied. If the plugin wants the modified entry, the plugin can search for it from AD. The plugin is called upon success or failure of the modify operation. The result parameter gives the ldap result code of the operation. The plugin may change the result code e.g. to force an error for an otherwise successful operation, or to ignore certain errors. The two plugins of this type are


Called after the attempt to modify a user entry in AD


Called after the attempt to modify a group entry in AD

Version 3 API functions

The major change with Version 3 was the ability to run multiple winsync plugins. In order to do this, we needed to have some way to specify the order in which the plugins are run. The core SLAPI has support for the nsslapd-pluginprecedence attribute. Unfortunately, there is no way for winsync to get access to this attribute. Winsync plugin writers are strongly encouraged to use this attribute in the plugin config entry, retrieve it in the plugin init function, store it in a static variable, and provide it in the callback.

For example, if you have your plugin configuration entry like this:

dn: cn=my winsync plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config    
nsslapd-pluginprecedence: 75    
nsslapd-pluginpath: libmywinsync-plugin    
nsslapd-plugininitfunc: my_winsync_plugin_init    

You should do something like this in your code:

static int myprecedence = 50; /* or default value */    
static int my_winsync_precedence(void)    
    return myprecedence;    
static void *my_winsync_api_v3[] = {    
    NULL, /* reserved for api broker use, must be zero */    
    ... other functions ...,    
static int my_winsync_plugin_start(Slapi_PBlock *pb)    
    int rc = slapi_apib_register(WINSYNC_v3_0_GUID, my_winsync_api_v3);    
    /* handle errors */    
    return rc;    
int my_winsync_plugin_init(Slapi_PBlock *pb)    
    Slapi_Entry *confige = NULL;    
    if (slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_CONFIG_ENTRY, &confige) && confige) {    
        myprecedence = slapi_entry_attr_get_int(confige, "nsslapd-pluginprecedence");    
        if (!myprecedence) {    
            myprecedence = 50; /* or default value */    
    /* register start function, etc. */    

Note that the precedence is called very early, even before the WINSYNC_PLUGIN_INIT_CB function is called, so the value to use for the precedence callback must be initialized in the plugin init function.

Version 3 provides the following additional functions:


typedef int (*winsync_plugin_precedence_cb)(void);    

These callbacks are called before the WINSYNC_PLUGIN_INIT_CB functions are called, in order to establish the order of calling the winsync plugins. Therefore, this plugin is called without the cookie argument, since it is not created until the WINSYNC_PLUGIN_INIT_CB function is called. The only thing this function should do is return the precedence value. The plugin is responsible for setting the value to return in the callback. It is not handled automatically as in regular SLAPI plugins with the nsslapd-pluginprecedence value, although it works the same way - lower precedence values are called before higher precedence values e.g. a plugin with a precedence of 25 is called before a plugin with a precedence of 50. If two plugins have the same precedence, the order is undefined.


Using the Public API in Plug-in Code

The plug-in should be of type preoperation, but any plug-in type should work. In addition to the usual preop plug-in code, the plug-in will register itself with the slapi_apib. In order to do this, it will have to create an array of callback functions to pass to the apib code to register the winsync callbacks, e.g.

static void *test_winsync_api[] = {    
   NULL, /* reserved for api broker use, must be zero */    

The test_winsync_api array index must correspond to the #define for that callback e.g. WINSYNC_PLUGIN_INIT_CB is defined to be 1, and the test_winsync_api_init function is at array index 1 above. Array index 0 is reserved and must be set to NULL. In the preop plug-in start function, the plug-in should register the winsync API with the apib:

static int    
test_winsync_plugin_start(Slapi_PBlock *pb)    
    if( slapi_apib_register(WINSYNC_v3_0_GUID, test_winsync_api) ) {    
        slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, test_winsync_plugin_name,    
                         "<-- test_winsync_plugin_start -- failed to register winsync api -- end\n");    
        return -1;    
    return 0;    

The API function types and constants are defined in the winsync-plugin.h. The plug-in should define a plug-in close function to unregister the api:

static int    
test_winsync_plugin_close(Slapi_PBlock *pb)    
    return 0;    

The sample code for the test winsync plugin is included in the file ldap/servers/plugins/replication/windows_private.c in the source distribution.

Last modified on 18 February 2025