The proposed new layout is based on FHS (Filesystem Hierarchy Standard) and Fedora Packaging. Fedora Packaging Guidelines FHS (Filesystem Hierarchy Standard)
The layout of the next version of Directory Server is going to look much different from previous versions. We will be using system locations for:
Directory Server instances will each have their own directory on the filesystem that will contain instance specific files such as:
These instance directories can exist wherever the user wants them to on the filesystem.
Below is a proposal for how the Directory Server layout will look. A * denotes a file or directory created by new instance creation - not part of the RPM.
lib[64]/ - lib on 32 bit systems, lib64 on 64 bit systems
- shared libs only used by ns-slapd and command line tools, such as libslapd, libds-nshttpd, libds_admin
- instance specific command line and CGI programs used for server management (db2ldif, ldif2db, etc.)
- plugin shared libs (e.g.
ns-slapd - replaces the old setup command - used for upgrade/migration - replaces - does not upgrade/migrate admin server or console information
- command line utilities which are not instance specific - dsktune,, etc.
- load generating tools - dbgen, infadd, rsearch, ldclt
ldif/ - sample LDIF files
script-templates/ - templates for scripts used during instance creation
properties/ - property/resource files
inf/ - server brand/version information files
*slapd-INSTANCE/ - access logs - error logs
*slapd-INSTANCE/ - lock files
dirsrv/ - pid file - used by the init script as well as start-slapd and stop-slapd
slapd-INSTANCE.startpid - startpid file
slapd-INSTANCE.stats - SNMP statistics for the agent
slapd-INSTANCE.socket - LDAPI socket
db/ - database files
bak/ - database backups
ldif/ - default location for LDIF database dumps
init.d/ - rc init scripts
dirsrv - operates on all instances by default, or can specify instance to use
dirsrv-admin - admin server init script
sysconfig/ or default/ - most linux distros use sysconfig, other OSes use default
dirsrv - used to set environment (keytab, ulimit, etc.) for directory server
dirsrv-admin - used to set environment (keytab, ulimit, etc.) for admin server
dirsrv/ - default config files
schema/ - default schema files
*slapd-INSTANCE/ - instance specific dynamic config, security (cert8.db) files
schema/ - instance specific dynamic schema
admin-serv/ - admin server config directory, security (cert8.db) files
For the 389-ds-base-devel package:
/usr/include/dirsrv/slapi-plugin.h - the plug-in API interface file
/usr/lib[64]/dirsrv/ - the plug-in API library
Possible enhancements:
Work in progress
Sub packages:
The old paths are listed as relative to the server root directory (e.g. /opt/fedora-ds). Fedora RPM build macros are listed here - they will be referred to below instead of the hard code path
Old Path | New Path | New Package | Description |
dist | %{_datadir}/dirsrv/html | 389-admin | admin server |
plugins | N/A | 389-ds-base-devel | N/A |
lib | %{_libdir}/dirsrv/plugins | 389-ds-base | Server plug-ins |
lib/perl | %{_perlsitelib} | perl-Mozilla-LDAP | installed into system perl as a site package (now in Fedora) |
shared/lib | %{_libdir} | Various | NSPR, NSS, LDAPSDK, etc. will be in separate packages (or part of Fedora) |
shared/bin | %{_bindir} | Various | NSPR, NSS, LDAPSDK, etc. will be in separate packages - %{_libdir}/mozldap for ldapsearch, etc. |
shared/config | %{_sysconfdir}/dirsrv/admin-serv | 389-admin | All of the disparate config files have been combined into adm.conf |
shared/config/template | %{_datadir}/dirsrv/template | 389-admin | config file templates used to produce real config files at setup time |
manual/help | %{_datadir}/dirsrv/manual, %{_libdir}/fedora-ds-admin | 389-admin | The help CGI binary will go in _libdir |
manual/en/admin | %{_datadir}/dirsrv/manual/admin/en | 389-admin-console | on-line help (not man pages) |
manual/en/console | %{_datadir}/dirsrv/manual/console/en | idm-console-framework | on-line help (not man pages) |
manual/en/slapd | %{_datadir}/dirsrv/manual/console/en | 389-ds-console | on-line help (not man pages) |
java | %{_datadir}/java | console packages | note ldapjdk.jar, jss.jar are in their respective packages - see |
java/jars/ds*, java/jars/fedora-ds* | %{_datadir}/dirsrv/java | 389-ds-console | console jar files for managing fedora-ds-base |
java/jars/admserv*, java/jars/fedora-admserv* | %{_datadir}/dirsrv/java | 389-admin-console | console jar files for managing 389 admin server 389-admin |
setup | %{_sbindir}/ | 389-admin | The setup program/script (note - has been replaced with |
admin-serv | Various | 389-admin | see admin server package description |
clients/dsgw | Various | dsgw | see dsgw package description |
clients/orgchart | Various | orgchart | see orgchart package description |
clients/dsmlgw | %{_datadir}/java/dsmlgw | dsmlgw | Will be simply a standard WAR file |
clients/lib | %{_libdir} | Various | NSPR, NSS, LDAPSDK, ICU, AdminUtil will be in separate packages |
alias | %{_sysconfdir}/dirsrv/{slapd-instance,admin-serv} | 389-ds-base, 389-admin | crypto data is instance specific - see also admin server package description |
bin/admin | see admin server | 389-admin | see admin server package description |
bin/slapd/lib | %{_libdir}/dirsrv, others | 389-ds-base, others | Only libns-dshttpd is in 389-ds-base, the rest are in their own packages |
bin/slapd/server | %{_sbindir} - ns-slapd; %{_bindir} - other command line tools; %{_libdir}/dirsrv - | 389-ds-base | |
bin/slapd/authck | dsgw | dsgw | dsgw cookie dir - see dsgw description |
bin/slapd/property | %{_datadir}/dirsrv/properties | 389-ds-base | localized messages from ns-slapd (libns-dshttpd) |
bin/slapd/install/schema | %{_sysconfdir}/dirsrv/schema | 389-ds-base | default schema, config files; sample ldif files; legacy config for migration assistance |
bin/slapd/install/ldif | %{_datadir}/dirsrv/ldif | 389-ds-base | sample ldif files |
bin/slapd/install/config | %{_sysconfdir}/dirsrv/config | 389-ds-base | default config files |
bin/slapd/admin/scripts | %{_datadir}/dirsrv/script-templates | 389-ds-base | templates for instance specific scripts |
bin/slapd/admin/dsml | moved to dsmlgw package | dsmlgw | see dsmlgw description |
bin/slapd/admin/version* | N/A | N/A | legacy schema used for migration - not present in 389 |
bin/slapd/admin/bin | %{_bindir} | 389-ds-base, 389-admin | programs and scripts for command line and CGI/console server management |
slapd-instance | %{_sysconfdir}/dirsrv/slapd-instance | 389-ds-base | see slapd instance table |
These paths are instance specific, usually found under /opt/fedora-ds/slapd-INSTANCE, where INSTANCE is localhost or the machine hostname. Package is 389-ds-base unless noted in the Description.
Old Path | New Path | Description |
. | %{_libdir}/dirsrv/slapd-INSTANCE | Instance specific scripts |
bak | %{_localstatedir}/lib/dirsrv/slapd-INSTANCE/bak | database backups |
db | %{_localstatedir}/lib/dirsrv/slapd-INSTANCE/db | database files |
ldif | %{_localstatedir}/lib/dirsrv/slapd-INSTANCE/ldif | default location for database LDIF exports |
locks | %{_localstatedir}/lock/dirsrv/slapd-INSTANCE | server/db lock files |
logs | %{_localstatedir}/log/dirsrv/slapd-INSTANCE | access, errors, and rotated log files |
logs/pid | %{_localstatedir}/run/dirsrv/, %{_localstatedir}/run/dirsrv/slapd-INSTANCE.startpid | The pid files |
config | %{_sysconfdir}/dirsrv/slapd-INSTANCE | instance specific dynamic config (dse.ldif) |
config/schema | %{_sysconfdir}/dirsrv/slapd-INSTANCE/schema | instance specific dynamic schema |
ldif | %{_datadir}/dirsrv/data | sample ldif files - not instance specific anymore |
dsml | see dsmlgw package | moved to dsmlgw package |
Note that mod_nss is a separate package, so we need to figure out where the Apache module and the nss_pcache program are.
Old Path | New Path | Description |
bin/admin | %{_bindir} | command line utilities for managing admin server |
bin/admin/property | %{_datadir}/dirsrv/properties | localized properties for admin server |
bin/admin/lib | %{_libdir}/dirsrv/modules, others |, - the others are in their own separate packages (NSPR, NSS, etc.) |
bin/admin/admin/icons | %{_datadir}/dirsrv/icons | icons/images for html pages |
bin/admin/admin/html | %{_datadir}/dirsrv/html | html pages for admin server web app |
bin/admin/admin/bin | %{_bindir} | command line and CGI programs and scripts |
bin/admin/admin/bin/property | %{_datadir}/dirsrv/properties | localized properties for admin server |
admin-serv/config | %{_sysconfdir}/dirsrv/admin-serv | config files |
admin-serv/logs | %{_localstatedir}/log/dirsrv/admin-serv | log files |
admin-serv/ldif | %{_datadir}/dirsrv/data | ldif templates for admin server configuration |