Performance diagnostic


General consideration

The clients should run on a separated host than the server. Client host(s) should be close to server host (preferably same subnetwork).

It can be good to collect metrics on some specific threads. For example, to see how a worker thread behaves, or listener, or database threads..

Test considerations

Scenario 1: srch rate on 10K



cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/dirsrv@.service
ExecStart=numactl  --cpunodebind=0 /usr/sbin/ns-slapd -D /etc/dirsrv/slapd-%i -i /run/dirsrv/

systemctl daemon-reload

Tuning: 10K database entry. entry/db 1G/400Mb. workers = 8. client = –bindDN ‘cn=Directory Manager’ –baseDN dc=example,dc=com –scope sub –filter ‘(uid=use[1-10000])’ –attribute givenName –attribute sn –attribute mail –numThreads 30


Run client on another host else the server take all CPU and wait for clients

structure contention

cache alignment of hot structure

Shared structures are structures (locks, counters,…) that are accessed by many threads. A shared structure becomes more and more hot when a CPU that access the structure has to retrieve it more and more frequently from another CPU that modified it in its cache. A lock is usually a hot structure accessed from all CPU, it can create contention and this is normal. A lock is located into a CPU cache line, so a CPU needs to acquire to cache line that is located in another CPU (HITM). A problem is if the cache line contains several hot structures. In such case there is a useless extra contention on structure A due to false cacheline sharing with B not related to A. To prevent this behavior we should monitor cache line heat and align hot structure so that each of them fit into a dedicated cache line.

A tool to monitor cache line heat is perf c2c.

perf c2c record --call-graph dwarf -p `pidof ns-slapd` -o perf_call_c2c # after 4-5sec key ^C
perf c2c report -i perf_call_c2c --stdio > perf_call_c2c.rep

vi perf_call_c2c.rep

           Shared Data Cache Line Table
#        ----------- Cacheline ----------    Total      Tot  ----- LLC Load Hitm -----  ---- Store Reference ----  --- Load Dram ----      LLC    Total  ----- Core Load Hit -----  -- LLC Load Hit --
# Index             Address  Node  PA cnt  records     Hitm    Total      Lcl      Rmt    Total    L1Hit   L1Miss       Lcl       Rmt  Ld Miss    Loads       FB       L1       L2       Llc       Rmt
# .....  ..................  ....  ......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  ........  ........  .......  .......  .......  .......  .......  ........  ........
      0      0x7fa6882e1f80     0    1624     4789    6.50%      648      648        0     1211      667      544         0         0        0     3578     2380      125        1       424         0
             # database mutex: __db_tas_mutex_lock
      1      0x7fa69aa23340     0    1464     2331    4.33%      432      432        0      582      582        0         0         0        0     1749      695      503        1       118         0
             # 389DS plugins global lock
      2      0x7fa69aaf5480     0    3237     4606    3.84%      383      383        0     1076     1053       23         0         0        0     3530     1828     1164        0       155         0
             # 389DS entrycache lock
      3      0x7fa6882e1440     0     743     1682    1.85%      185      185        0      686      540      146         0         0        0      996      721       32        0        58         0
             # database mutex: __db_tas_mutex_lock
      4      0x7fa69aaf5500     0     395     1042    1.81%      181      181        0      361      356        5         0         0        0      681       30      428        0        42         0
             # 389DS entrycache lock
      5      0x7fa6882e1f40     0     586     2732    1.54%      154      154        0     1570     1553       17         0         0        0     1162        0      969        0        39         0
             # database mutex: __db_tas_mutex_lock
      6      0x7fa65d462140     0      87      175    1.51%      151      151        0       10        5        5         0         0        0      165        1        0        0        13         0
             # database cursor: __db_cursor_int
      7      0x7fa669c722c0     0       1      431    1.49%      149      149        0      275      128      147         0         0        0      156        1        2        0         4         0
             # database memory pool: _memp_fput
      8      0x7fa669c72200     0     172      329    1.44%      144      144        0        8        8        0         0         0        0      321      163        7        0         7         0
             # database memory pool: _memp_fget
      9      0x7fa695ad9c00     0     740     1243    1.34%      134      134        0      318      318        0         0         0        0      925      449      295        1        46         0
             # 389 VLV index

host activity

Those are examples of commands to monitor the activity at the host level

perf top

Under heavy SRCH load, the servers shows high syscalls rate (futex): perf top -g -d 10

Samples: 2M of event 'cycles', 4000 Hz, Event count (approx.): 496734082490 lost: 0/0 drop: 0/0
  Children      Self  Shared Object               Symbol
-   22.15%     0.27%  [kernel]                    [k] entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe                                                                                                        ◆
   - 21.89% entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe                                                                                                                                                  ▒
      - do_syscall_64                                                                                                                                                                       ▒
         + 4.15% __x64_sys_futex                                                                                                                                                            ▒
         + 3.83% __x64_sys_setsockopt                                                                                                                                                       ▒
         + 3.60% __x64_sys_poll                                                                                                                                                             ▒
         + 2.77% __x64_sys_sendto                                                                                                                                                           ▒
         + 1.88% ksys_write                                                                                                                                                                 ▒
         + 1.24% __x64_sys_recvfrom                                                                                                                                                         ▒
         + 0.70% syscall_slow_exit_work                                                                                                                                                     ▒
-   21.89%     2.93%  [kernel]                    [k] do_syscall_64                                                                                                                         ▒
   - 18.96% do_syscall_64                                                                                                                                                                   ▒
      + 4.15% __x64_sys_futex                                                                                                                                                               ▒
      + 3.83% __x64_sys_setsockopt                                                                                                                                                          ▒
      + 3.60% __x64_sys_poll                                                                                                                                                                ▒
      + 2.77% __x64_sys_sendto                                                                                                                                                              ▒
      + 1.88% ksys_write                                                                                                                                                                    ▒
      + 1.24% __x64_sys_recvfrom                                                                                                                                                            ▒
      + 0.69% syscall_slow_exit_work                                                                                                                                                        ▒
   - 0.52% __poll
+    4.93%     0.08%                       [.] __poll                                                                                                                         ▒
+    4.79%     0.06%                       [.] __GI___setsockopt                                                                                                              ▒
+    4.75%     4.60%                       [.] __db_tas_mutex_lock                                                                                                            ▒
+    4.19%     0.02%  perf                               [.] hist_entry_iter__add                                                                                                           ▒
+    4.14%     0.13%  [kernel]                           [k] __x64_sys_futex                                                                                                                ▒
+    4.01%     0.14%  [kernel]                           [k] do_idle                                                                                                                        ▒
+    4.00%     0.14%  [kernel]                           [k] do_futex                                                                                                                       ▒
+    3.82%     0.00%  [unknown]                          [.] 0000000000000000                                                                                                               ▒
+    3.79%     0.03%  [kernel]                           [k] __x64_sys_setsockopt                                                                                                           ▒
+    3.76%     0.05%  [kernel]                           [k] __sys_setsockopt                                                                                                               ▒
+    3.64%     0.05%                 [.] __libc_send                                                                                                                    ▒
+    3.57%     0.25%                 [.] pthread_cond_signal@@GLIBC_2.3.2                                                                                               ▒
+    3.56%     0.08%  [kernel]                           [k] __x64_sys_poll

server activity

workqueue size

Monitoring the workqueue with ‘cn=monitor’ (-b “cn=monitor” -s base opsinitiated opscompleted readwaiters) is too impacting (locking the connections/conntable). Prefere

gdb  -ex 'set confirm off' -ex 'set pagination off' -ex 'print work_q_size' -ex 'print work_q_size_max' -ex 'print *ops_initiated' -ex 'print *ops_completed' -ex 'quit' /usr/sbin/ns-slapd `pidof ns-slapd`


pstack impacts a lot (almost stop) the server. It can be usefull if a thread is spending a lot of time in a same area of code


The tool shows how much time each tread is spending offcpu. Here the listener 38701 is pretty active but can sleep up to 255usec

/usr/share/bcc/tools/cpudist -POL -p `pidof ns-slapd` 1 1

tid = 38701 ns-slapd

     usecs               : count     distribution
         0 -> 1          : 837      |**                                      |
         2 -> 3          : 15145    |**************************************  |
         4 -> 7          : 15696    |****************************************|
         8 -> 15         : 12510    |*******************************         |
        16 -> 31         : 4895     |************                            |
        32 -> 63         : 1854     |****                                    |
        64 -> 127        : 0        |                                        |
       128 -> 255        : 16       |                                        |

tid = 38756 ns-slapd

     usecs               : count     distribution
         0 -> 1          : 0        |                                        |
         2 -> 3          : 0        |                                        |
         4 -> 7          : 0        |                                        |
         8 -> 15         : 0        |                                        |
        16 -> 31         : 0        |                                        |
        32 -> 63         : 0        |                                        |
        64 -> 127        : 0        |                                        |
       128 -> 255        : 0        |                                        |
       256 -> 511        : 0        |                                        |
       512 -> 1023       : 0        |                                        |
      1024 -> 2047       : 198      |****************************************|

Trace the DS worker syscalls

After selecting a worker LWP (using pstack), you may trace (for 3-4 sec) the syscalls done by the thread

 Summary of events:

 ns-slapd (108026), 1784094 events, 100.0%

   syscall            calls    total       min       avg       max      stddev
                               (msec)    (msec)    (msec)    (msec)        (%)
   --------------- -------- --------- --------- --------- ---------     ------
   futex             328704  3054.546     0.000     0.009   346.687     17.23%
   setsockopt        124702   656.760     0.001     0.005     0.034      0.14%
   poll              125437   655.709     0.002     0.005   100.141     15.28%
   sendto            124501   464.307     0.001     0.004     0.039      0.14%
   write             125026   462.438     0.001     0.004     0.031      0.10%
   recvfrom           62799   248.383     0.002     0.004     0.030      0.11%
   madvise                3     0.066     0.014     0.022     0.034     26.97%
   sched_yield           10     0.043     0.004     0.004     0.004      1.69%

What the server is doing

The following command shows a sorted list of routines (kernel and user) where the server spend the most of the time.

perf top -t 65457 (for a worker)

Samples: 486K of event 'cycles', 4000 Hz, Event count (approx.): 257233768218 lost: 0/0 drop: 0/0
Overhead  Shared Object               Symbol
   2.84%  [kernel]                    [k] do_syscall_64
   2.50%           [.] slapi_pblock_get
   2.09%          [.] __pthread_mutex_lock
   2.08%                [.] __db_tas_mutex_lock
   1.43%                [.] __db_tas_mutex_unlock
   1.32%          [.] __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt
   1.30%            [.] free
   1.30%           [.] attrlist_find
   1.25%           [.] slapi_pblock_set
   1.08%                [.] vfprintf
   1.06%  [kernel]                    [k] entry_SYSCALL_64
   1.03%           [.] slapi_log_error
   0.99%  [kernel]                    [k] syscall_return_via_sysret
   0.94%  [kernel]                    [k] __fget

Most frequent lock in contention

futex is a syscall called when an action (lock/unlock) on a mutex needs to notify others threads. Way to find mutex the 10 hottest mutex in contention.

perf trace -t <tid> --call-graph dwarf -e futex -o /tmp/perf_trace_dwarf_futex
grep futex /tmp/perf_trace_dwarf_futex |sed -e 's/^.* futex/futex/' -e 's/op:.*$//' |sort |uniq -c |sort -n | tail -10

Bugs performance search rate: checking if an entry is a referral is expensive performance search rate: nagle triggers high rate of setsocketopt performance search rate: useless poll on network send callback

Last modified on 11 February 2025