Use ldapsearch to find the entry which is the parent entry for the object-objectclass entries.
ldapsearch -x -D "cn=directory manager" -w password -b o=netscaperoot cn=defaultObjectClassesContainer
The dn will be something like this:
cn=defaultObjectClassesContainer,ou=1.1,ou=Admin,ou=Global Preferences,,o=NetscapeRoot
Under this entry are entries for objects that the console knows how to create. By default there are:
Each of these entries has objectClass: nsdefaultObjectClasses. This provides the nsDefaultObjectClass attribute. This attribute lists the objectclasses applied when a new object of that type is created. For example, by default, cn=user has this:
nsDefaultObjectClass: top
nsDefaultObjectClass: person
nsDefaultObjectClass: organizationalPerson
nsDefaultObjectClass: inetorgperson
You can add additional objectclasses to this list. It is safest to add AUXILIARY object classes that do not have any required (MUST) attributes. WARNING - do not add an objectclass that has REQUIRED/MUST attributes unless the UI will ensure that there is always a value. For example, the mailUser has MUST ( uid $ mail $ maildrop ). If you added nsDefaultObjectClass: mailUser to cn=user, you would not be able to create a New User unless you went into the Advanced… editor and added mail and maildrop attributes with valid values. uid is ok because it is also required by inetorgperson, and the regular New User window will ensure the presence of a valid uid value. WARNING - do not add a STRUCTURAL objectclass to the list unless it has as a SUP objectclass one of the other objectclasses already in the list. Although 389 currently permits this, it is a violation of LDAPv3 and may cause interoperability problems.
Note - if using the console to set nsDefaultObjectClass, then you must close down the console and reopen it for the change to take effect!
When using memberOf, it is useful to have the inetUser objectclass added to New User entries. inetUser works well because it has no required (MUST) attributes and is an AUXILIARY objectclass.
First, find the dn of the cn=user entry
ldapsearch -x -D "cn=directory manager" -w password -b o=netscaperoot cn=user
Note the dn: line
next, add inetUser
ldapmodify -x -D "cn=directory manager" -w password<<EOF
dn: the full dn of the cn=user entry from the ldapsearch
changetype: modify
add: nsDefaultObjectClass
nsDefaultObjectClass: inetUser