How to Monitor Replication Using CLI

Basic Usage

CLI tool dsconf has the option for monitoring replication in the topology of the specified instance. It walks through the initial instance agreements and generates the in-progress status of replication. The main command for creating a report is:

dsconf ldap:// -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password replication monitor

Additional arguments:
  -c or --connections [CONNECTION [CONNECTION ...]]
        The connection values for monitoring other not
        connected topologies. The format:
        'host:port:binddn:bindpwd'. You can use regex for host
        and port. You can set bindpwd to * and it will be
        requested at the runtime or you can include the path
        to the password file in square brackets - [~/pwd.txt]
  -a or --aliases [ALIAS [ALIAS ...]]
        If a host:port is assigned an alias, then the alias
        instead of host:port will be displayed in the output.
        The format: alias=host:port

Dealing With Credentials

While walking through the topology, we can encounter other instances and the tool needs the binding credentials.

The replication monitor will look into different sources while trying to get them. It is done in this order:

  1. First, we look at the CLI arguments (–connections and –aliases). We prioritize this if specified.
  2. We check ~/.dsrc file.
  3. And only if moth previous sources didn’t give the result - we ask the user for the input interactively.

Config file format

The config file ~/.dsrc is already used for CLI tools. Replication monitor adds two more sections:

    connection1 = manager:*
    connection2 = manager:[~/pwd.txt]
    connection3 =*:cn=Directory manager:password

    M1 =
    M2 =

For the [repl-monitor-connections] section, only the values matter. You can name the keys as you want.

The * password will request the caller to type it manually.

The password file should have one line with a clear-text password and it should be accessible by the dsconf caller.

The aliases are used in the report and they name the specified instances.

Report Example

Supplier: M1 (
Replica Root: dc=example,dc=com
Replica ID: 2
Max CSN: 5d820f99000000020000

Status For Agreement: "to2" (
Replica Enabled: on
Update In Progress: FALSE
Last Update Start: 20190923231259Z
Last Update End: 20190923231259Z
Number Of Changes Sent: 0
Number Of Changes Skipped: None
Last Update Status: Error (0) Replica acquired successfully: Incremental update succeeded
Last Init Start: 19700101000000Z
Last Init End: 19700101000000Z
Last Init Status: unavailable
Reap Active: 0
Replication Status: In Synchronization
Replication Lag Time: 00:00:00

Status For Agreement: "to3" (
Replica Enabled: on
Update In Progress: FALSE
Last Update Start: 19700101000000Z
Last Update End: 19700101000000Z
Number Of Changes Sent: 0
Number Of Changes Skipped: None
Last Update Status: Error (0) No replication sessions started since server startup
Last Init Start: 19700101000000Z
Last Init End: 19700101000000Z
Last Init Status: unavailable
Reap Active: 0
Replication Status: In Synchronization
Replication Lag Time: 00:00:00

Supplier: M2 (
Replica Root: dc=example,dc=com
Replica ID: 3
Max CSN: 5d81ffc0000000030000

Status For Agreement: "to1" (
Replica Enabled: on
Update In Progress: FALSE
Last Update Start: 20190923231301Z
Last Update End: 20190923231301Z
Number Of Changes Sent: 3:11/0
Number Of Changes Skipped: None
Last Update Status: Error (0) Replica acquired successfully: Incremental update succeeded
Last Init Start: 19700101000000Z
Last Init End: 19700101000000Z
Last Init Status: unavailable
Reap Active: 0
Replication Status: Not in Synchronization: supplier (5d81ffc0000000030000) consumer (Unavailable) Reason(Unknown)
Replication Lag Time: Unavailable

Status For Agreement: "to3" (
Replica Enabled: on
Update In Progress: FALSE
Last Update Start: 19700101000000Z
Last Update End: 19700101000000Z
Number Of Changes Sent: 0
Number Of Changes Skipped: None
Last Update Status: Error (0) No replication sessions started since server startup
Last Init Start: 19700101000000Z
Last Init End: 19700101000000Z
Last Init Status: unavailable
Reap Active: 0
Replication Status: Not in Synchronization: supplier (5d820f99000000020000) consumer (5d81ffc0000000030000) Reason(Unknown)
Replication Lag Time: 01:07:37

Status: Unavailable
Reason: Invalid credentials
Last modified on 21 October 2024