As the two major enterprise linux distributions (SUSE and Red Hat) have decided to remove OpenLDAP from their platforms, the 389 Directory Server project has developed a number of tools and processes to support migration from OpenLDAP to 389 Directory Server. The migration process is supported in version 1.4.4 of 389-ds on SLE15-SP3/SUSE Leap 15.3, and version 2.0.0 in a future Fedora and RHEL release.

Differences between OpenLDAP and 389 Directory Server

While both projects are LDAP servers, the features they support and their approach to data management differs creating some compatibility issues. In some cases, there is a 1:1 relationship allowing direct migration, in others some work may be required to perform the migration, and finally some features are not possible to recreate under 389-ds.

A partial list of major features is:

Feature OpenLDAP 389 DS Compatible ?
2 way Replication SyncREPL 389 Specific system
MemberOf Overlay Plugin ✅ (simple configs only)
External Auth SASL Authd PTA Plugin 🔨 (Config and Data Changes needed)
LDAP Proxy Proxy -
AD Synchronisation - Winsync Plugin
Inbuilt Schema OLDAP Schemas 389 Schemas ✅ (Migration Tool Supports)
Custom Schema OLDAP Schemas 389 Schemas ✅ (Migration Tool Supports)
Database Import LDIF LDIF ✅ (Migration Tool Supports)
Password Hashes Varies Varies ✅ (All Formats Supported excluding ARGON2)
oldap 2 ds repl - - ❌ (No mechanism for openldap to replicate to 389 is possible)
ds 2 oldap repl - SyncREPL ✅ * (SLE/SUSE/2.0.0 only due to Rust requirement, limitations exist)
TOTP TOTP Overlap - ❌ (May be supported in the future)
EntryUUID Part of OpenLDAP Plugin ✅ * (SLE/SUSE/2.0.0 only due to Rust requirement)

Planning your migration

As OpenLDAP is a “box of parts” and highly customisable, it is not possible to prescribe a one size fits all migration. There will always be work that you must undertake to make this possible.

To plan your migration, you need to assess your current environment and configuration with OpenLDAP and other integrations. This includes, and is not limited to:

Subsequently, you then need to plan what your 389 Directory Server deployment will look like in the end. This includes the same list, but replace overlays with plugins.

Once you have assessed your current environment, and planned what your 389 DS environment will look like, you can then form a migration plan to convert this. It is recommended you build the 389-DS environment in parallel to your OpenLDAP environment to allow you to switch back and forward.

Testing the Migration

Before performing the migration it is recomended you test the process in an isolated environment.

The OpenLDAP to 389 Directory Server migration tool called “openldap_to_ds” does not require live access to the production OpenLDAP environment. This guarantees that it is non-intrusive and non-destructive to your production environment. It requires offline copies of:

If you are not using the dynamic format, you can create it from slapd.conf with:

slaptest -f /etc/openldap/slapd.conf -F /root/slapd.d

Each ldif of the database must be one ldif per backend suffix. You can create these with:

# If using slapd.conf config format
slapcat -f /etc/openldap/slapd.conf -b SUFFIX -l /root/suffix.ldif
# If using slapd.d config format
slapcat -F /etc/openldap/slapd.d -b SUFFIX -l /root/suffix.ldif

You need to configure a 389 DS instance with dscreate.

The openldap_to_ds tool will attempt to automatically migrate:

For more details see the tools help. The help is extensive and worth reading:

openldap_to_ds --help

By default the tool takes no actions and only displays the migration plan it would apply.

An example of a migration command is:

openldap_to_ds <ds instance name> <path to slapd.d> [suffix.ldif [suffix.ldif ...]]
openldap_to_ds localhost /root/slapd.d /root/dc_example.ldif /root/dc_test.ldif

Once the migration is complete, the tool will emit a checklist of post migration tasks for you to complete, including a list of non-migrated overlays.

It is worth documenting your post-migration steps that you take so you can reproduce these in your production migration procedure.

Following this you should test clients and application integrations to the migrated 389 DS instance to confirm that applications and plugins are working as intended.

You MUST develop a rollback plan with associated back-out criteria to assess the success of your migration.

Performing the Production Migration

It is again, difficult to prescribe what to do in this stage. If you have tested the process then you should now have a good idea of what you need to do in the production migration. Some general advice for this:

Completing the Migration

Once complete, you are then able to decommision your OpenLDAP infrastructure. It is worth developing DR plans for your 389 DS infrastructure, and documentation about the differences in administration of 389 DS.


For internal technical and implementation details, see Technical Migration Implementation


William Brown (SUSE Labs) wbrown at

Last modified on 31 July 2024