How to Reset Passwords
How To Reset an Account After Too Many Login Attempts
The short answer is - just delete the operational attributes passwordRetryCount and accountUnlockTime in the user’s entry.
- From the console, edit the user’s entry, and select the Advanced editor. Delete those attributes from the list.
From the command line, you can use ldapmodify:
ldapmodify -D ”cn=directory manager” -w password dn: DN of user e.g. uid=scarter,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify delete: passwordRetryCount
- delete: accountUnlockTime
There are 3 operational attributes in the user’s entry that deal with this:
- passwordRetryCount - this is the number of unsuccessful BIND attempts the user has made - if the user tries to BIND, and this number is greater than the max failure count, the user will be locked out. This number is reset to 0 upon a successful BIND.
When the user is locked out, there are two additional attributes that come into play:
- accountUnlockTime - datetime in GMT - this is the time at which the account will become unlocked. A value of 0 means the account must be unlocked by an administrator.
- retryCountResetTime - datetime in GMT - this is the time after which the passwordRetryCount will be reset to 0.
Last modified on 18 February 2025