389 Directory Server’s primary use is storing users and groups. In this we will show you how to create basic users and groups.

DS version 1.4.x

We provide a number of tools that help you manage users and groups with out of box schema. The primary tool is “dsidm”, and you can list what’s possible with:

dsidm <instancename>

We recommend you setup a .dsrc file to make this simpler - this is covered in the install guide.

Managing groups

You can list groups on the system with:

# dsidm localhost group list

If you installed the sample entries, you should see a singel demo group. We can create a new group with:

# dsidm localhost group create
Enter value for cn : my_awesome_group
Sucessfully created my_awesome_group


We can list all our users with:

# dsidm localhost user list

We can display the user with:

# dsidm localhost user get demo_user
dn: uid=demo_user,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
cn: Demo User
displayName: Demo User
gidNumber: 99998
homeDirectory: /var/empty
legalName: Demo User Name
loginShell: /bin/false
objectClass: top
objectClass: nsPerson
objectClass: nsAccount
objectClass: nsOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
uid: demo_user
uidNumber: 99998

So let’s create a new user. If you want to do this in one shot, have a look at the –help for:

# dsidm localhost user create --help

This shows you all the required fields you need to supply to create a user.

Alternately you can use the interactive tool:

# dsidm localhost user create
Enter value for uid : william
Enter value for cn : william
Enter value for displayName : William Brown
Enter value for uidNumber : 1000
Enter value for gidNumber : 1000
Enter value for homeDirectory : /home/william
Sucessfully created william

We can now add them to our new group:

# dsidm localhost group add_member my_awesome_group uid=william,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
added member: uid=william,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com

HINT: You can see the DN of the user with the dsidm user get command. But we create everyone in “ou=people” anyway, so you can normally assume “uid=,ou=people,” is valid.


Accounts are different to users, but contain them. Accounts represent “all objects in the server that could login”. It does not imply they can login, but only that the possibility to authenticate (bind) exists.

As a result, the account command is used to manage authentication related tasks such as locking, unlocking or reseting passwords.

DS version 1.3.x or before: LDIF

You may find tools like ldapvi and Apache Directory Studio useful for this task.

LDAP modifications are performed through the LDAP Data Interchange Format. This describes object additions, deletion, or modification.

Addition takes the form:

dn: <fqdn to add>
changetype: add
objectclass: ...
attributes: ...

Delete takes the form:

dn: <fqdn to delete>
changetype: delete

Modifications takes the form:

dn: <fqdn to alter>
changetype: modify
<action>: attribute
attribute: new value

Action must be one of “add” to add new attribute values, “replace” to change an attribute and “delete” to remove an attribute value.

NOTE: Always take backups before performing changes on production systems

These files are then applied to the server with the “ldapmodify” command. For example:

ldapmodify -f "example.ldif" -D 'bind dn' -H ldap://<hostname>

Creating groups

To create a posix group you can use the following template:

dn: cn=GROUPNAME,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: add
objectClass: top
objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: groupOfUniqueNames
gidNumber: 12345
# uniqueMember: <DN of member>

Creating users

To create a posix user you can use the following template:

dn: uid=USERNAME,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: add
objectClass: top
objectClass: account
objectClass: posixaccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: inetUser
objectClass: organizationalPerson
uidNumber: 1001
gidNumber: 1001
sn: surname
homeDirectory: /home/username
cn: common name

If you wish to set a password on the account:

userPassword: <cleartext password>

The server will hash the password securely for you.

Last modified on 11 February 2025