389 Admin Server 1.1.45 and console packages
The 389 Directory Server team is proud to announce 389-admin, 389-adminutil, 389-console, 389-ds-console, 389-admin-console, and idm-console-framework.
Fedora packages are available from the Fedora 24, Fedora 25, and Rawhide repositories.
The new packages and versions are:
- 389-admin-1.1.45-1
- 389-adminutil-1.1.23-1
- 389-console-1.1.18-1
- 389-ds-console-1.2.15
- 389-admin-console-1.1.12-1
- idm-console-framework-1.1.17-1
Source tarballs are available for download at
Download Admin Source
Download Adminutil Source
Download 389-console Source
Download 389-ds-console Source
Download 389-admin-console Source
Download idm-console-framework Source
Installation and Upgrade
See Download for information about setting up your yum repositories.
To install, use yum install 389-ds yum install 389-ds After install completes, run setup-ds-admin.pl to set up your directory server. setup-ds-admin.pl
To upgrade, use yum upgrade yum upgrade After upgrade completes, run setup-ds-admin.pl -u to update your directory server/admin server/console information. setup-ds-admin.pl -u
See Install_Guide for more information about the initial installation, setup, and upgrade
See Source for information about source tarballs and SCM (git) access.
We are very interested in your feedback!
Please provide feedback and comments to the 389-users mailing list: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/admin/lists/389-users.lists.fedoraproject.org and following pages:
If you find a bug, or would like to see a new feature, file it in our Trac instance: https://fedorahosted.org/389
Detailed Changelog since 389-admin-1.1.44
- Bug 1236635 - 389-admin TPS srpmtest failure
- Ticket 48932 - stopping admin server stops all httpd processes
- Ticket 47413 - 389-admin fails to build with latest httpd
- Ticket 48931 - start-ds-admin should use systemctl
- Ticket 48823 - Admin Server - Add IPv6 support
- Ticket 48907 - register-ds-admin fails to find local config DS
- Ticket 48306 - perl module conditional test is not conditional when checking SELinux policies
- Ticket 48213 - Admin server registration requires anonymous binds
- Ticket 48429 - running remove-ds-admin.pl multiple times will make it so you cannot install DS
- Ticket 48410 - 389-admin - Unable to remove / unregister a DS instance from admin server
- Ticket 48409 - RHDS upgrade change Ownership of certificate files upon upgrade.
- Ticket 47840 - Fix setup-ds-admin.pl to create adm.conf with sbin scripts
Detailed Changelog since 389-adminutil-1.1.22
- Ticket 48345 - bad check for NUL char in psetc.c
Detailed Changelog since 389-ds-console-1.1.12
- Ticket 49003 - Managed role error dialog empty
- Ticket 49003 - Add the host and port to the ldapurl in the role form
- Ticket 48926 - Fixed reset & save button behavior in the password/account lockout panels
- Bumped version to 1.2.14
- Ticket 48926 - fix “expiresin” entry definition
- Bumped version to 1.2.13
- Ticket #48933 - drop support for legacy replication - need to clean code
- Ticket 48926 - Inactive “save” button in “Password policy” dialog
- Ticket 47469 - Cannot enter time in Replication schedule in console
- Ticket 48823 - ds-console - add IPv6 support
- Ticket #48417 - ds-console: lower password history minimum to 1
Detailed Changelog since 389-admin-console-1.1.10
- bump version to 1.1.12
- Ticket 48823 - admin-console - Add IPv6 support
- Ticket 48809 - Admin console displays the wrong log names
- bump version to 1.1.11
- Bug 1234441 - Security info from Help should be removed
Detailed Changelog since idm-console-framework-1.1.14
- Bump version to 1.1.17
- Ticket 49003 - Allow LDAP Urls without host and port
- Ticket 49003 - Add host and port to LDAP URL construction
- Bump version to 1.1.16
- Ticket 48565 - Provide better error message in console when there is architecture mismatch
- Ticket 48743 - idm-console-framework - disable fortezza ciphers by default
- Ticket 48823 - idm-console-framework - Add IPv6 support
- Bump version to 1.1.15
- Ticket #48811 - Console window could be hidden after login via consoles on multiple hosts
Last modified on 29 November 2024