WinSync Posix Plugin

The 389 team would like to thank Carsten Grzemba for contributing his POSIX Windows Sync plugin to the project.

NOTE: as of now, the Posix Winsync plugin does not work for new entries added to 389. That is, if you add a new user or group entry to 389, the plugin will not sync the POSIX attributes. This was due to a limitation in the Winsync Plugin API v1. The API now supports it - see Windows_Sync_Plugin_API for API functions. We are planning to fix this limitation in the next major release of 389 - see #428 posix winsync should support ADD user/group entries from DS to AD for more information.


The Posix Winsync plugin will sync POSIX user (objectclass posixAccount) and group (objectclass posixGroup) attributes between 389 and Active Directory. Both the older MS SFU schema and the newer (2003 R2 and later) built-in AD POSIX schema are supported.

For user entries, the following attributes will be synchronized with the corresponding AD attribute: uidNumber, gidNumber, gecos, loginShell, homeDirectory. NOTE: the plugin will not try to populate missing attributes. Notably, the plugin will not attempt to derive a value for the gecos field if it is absent. In order to sync these attributes, they must be present with valid values. Other attributes such as uid, cn, etc. are already handled by winsync.

For group entries, the gidNumber and memberUid attributes will be synchronized. Many implementations of nss_ldap no longer require the use of the memberUid field and can instead use member or uniqueMember. If you require memberUid, and this attribute is not present in AD, the plugin can populate the memberUid attribute values in 389 based on the member attribute in AD. See below for the description of the posixWinsyncMapMemberUID attribute. The plugin can also update the memberOf attribute by firing off a task to update the group relationships after the group sync is complete. See posixWinsyncCreateMemberOfTask below.


To sync a user or group from 389 to AD, AD needs the nisdomain attribute. This attribute is defined in the RFC 2307 bis schema, but not the older one. If you want to use nisdomain you will have to either use 10rfc2307bis.ldif instead of 10rfc2307.ldif,

rm /etc/dirsrv/slapd-INSTNAME/schema/10rfc2307.ldif    
cp /usr/share/dirsrv/data/10rfc2307bis.ldif /etc/dirsrv/slapd-INSTNAME/schema    

or you will need to define the attribute & objectclass like this:

cat >> /etc/dirsrv/slapd-INSTNAME/schema/99user.ldif <<EOF    
attributeTypes: ( NAME 'nisDomain'    
 DESC 'NIS domain'    
 EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match    
objectClasses: ( NAME 'nisDomainObject' SUP top AUXILIARY    
 DESC 'Associates a NIS domain with a naming context'    
 MUST nisDomain    

That is, copy the definitions from 10rfc2307bis.ldif and add them to your user defined schema.

The nisdomain attribute can stored in the 389 subtree entry or any parent entry of the 389 subtree entry. For example, if you have

dn: cn=name of sync agreement,cn=replica,cn="your suffix",cn=mapping tree,cn=config    
objectclass: nsDSWindowsReplicationAgreement    
nsds7DirectoryReplicaSubtree: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com    

you can store the nisDomain in ou=People,dc=example,dc=com or dc=example,dc=com, e.g.:

dn: dc=example,dc=com    
nisDomain: example    
objectClass: top    
objectClass: domain    
objectClass: nisdomainobject    
dc: example    

The nisdomainobject objectclass is an AUXILIARY objectclass so you can add it to any existing entry like this;

ldapmodify ..... <<EOF    
 dn: dc=example,dc=com    
 changetype: modify    
 add: objectclass    
 objectclass: nisdomainobject    
 add: nisDomain    
 nisDomain: example    

The DN of the posix winsync plugin is cn=Posix Winsync API,cn=plugins,cn=config. The attributes you can set are:

Implementation Details

Now that 389 supports having multiple winsync plugins, a plugin that wants to run after any POSIX attributes have been added/updated should have a higher precedence than the posix winsync plugin (by default 50). The Winsync Plugin API v3 has support for a precedence callback. See Windows_Sync_Plugin_API#Version_3_API_functions for more information.

Last modified on 31 July 2024